Chapter 15

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The park is nothing but ruins.

The walls surrounding it have lost their purple color, now looking all crispy and black.

All of the rides have completely fallen apart.

The only thing that's still somewhat standing is the marquee and Wally cutout, which only have a few burnt spots around them.

Tex Macadoo stares at the rubble. He's unsure of what to say. But he feels glad that this Hellhole is finally destroyed.

It's over.

Then, he hears the roar of an engine.

He turns, seeing the silent man's jeep wrangler flying into the parking lot, does a donut, and burns rubber as it comes to a stop.

Jeff Lynch hops out of the vehicle, exclaiming:

"Now that's what I call a whole lot of fun! Tires are all good to go Tex!"

Jeff notices the remains of Wally's behind Tex. His enthusiasm disappears, becoming confused.

"What the hell happened here?" He asks.

"Didn't you hear what happened two days ago? The whole place got burned down."

"Did they also...?" Jeff begins to ask, wondering about the puppets, when Tex finishes for him:

"Burned to ash."

Jeff realizes what this means, and laughs joyfully.

"It's over! Goddamn it it's actually over!"

Then he pauses, and asks:

"What about the guy we baited?"

"He's down at the hospital. I heard he took a real beating from those machines."

Then the two hear another vehicle coming.

A police car arrives in the lot.

Hopping out of it is Dan, Liv, and the quiet drifter.

The drifter and Liv have bandages all over their bodies. They've gotten better from that horrific night they had.

"Well speak of the devil." Tex quietly blurts out.

The silent man walks towards him. The former owner of the park is rather proud of him.

Of course it would make sense to congratulate him, so he tells him:

"Well my friend, you've done a great service. You've destroyed this Hellhole, and got rid of the demons that terrorized us. Oh and, your jeep is all ready to go."

He gestures to the vehicle, and the drifter looks at it. It's true. It's fixed.

He then looks back at Tex, and thanks him by...

Punching him in the face, making him drop like a plank of wood.

"I deserved that..." Tex says weakly.

The drifter then walks over to Jeff, who hands over the keys.

While that's going on, Dan comes to Tex and helps him up.

"By the way Mr. Macadoo, I'm the new Sheriff of this town now." He tells him.


"Yeah. Since Sheriff Lund is dead, they thought about giving me the job, since I am a professional."

"Well, good for you."

Dan gives a half wave to Tex and goes to his police car. Before he enters, he looks at Liv, and says:

"So long young lady."

And with that he drives away.

Liv is unsure of what to do now. The park did burn like she wanted, but with almost everything she had gone, there's nothing left to do in this town.

As the drifter's about to enter his jeep, Liv walks over to him, asking:

"Hey... can I get a lift?"

The man halts, turns towards her.

"I mean, there really isn't anything left for me to do here in Haysville. I've lost my friends, Emily, pretty much everything. And I was just wondering, since we've been through a lot, if I can join you?"

The drifter just stares at her. I mean, what isn't surprising from this guy anymore?

"But if it's a no, then I guess it's fine. I'll probably find a different way to continue my life." Liv says, looking down.

The silent man contemplates. With everything they've been through, it would feel like a shame to just leave her in this shithole.

So, as Liv is about to leave, he does something he hasn't done ever since he was a child.

He speaks:

"You can come kid."

Liv freezes, looks back at him, shocked. Even Tex and Jeff are speechless. The drifter smiles, and so does Liv.

She walks over to the passenger's seat of the jeep and gets in. The man does so as well, starting up the engine. The jeep blasts away and out of Haysville.

Tex and Jeff watch on, proud of the two heroes. Tex tips his hat off to them, then looks back at Jeff. The two men share a stare before Jeff walks away, leaving Tex all alone.

Tex then turns his attention to the ruins of the park. Thoughts raise through his mind, wondering what to do now with all of the rubble, before walking closer to Wally's Wonderland.

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