Chapter 11

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Chris is hiding inside one of the seats of the Ferris wheel, covering himself with his jacket. He peeks a little bit. Nothing's out there. He's goes back to hiding. While glad the cops are coming, he's still afraid to get caught.

Sooner or later, he hears a clank, and freezes. Something... or someone... is here. And that is...

Cammy Chameleon.

She walks around the area where the wheel is. Her skin is glowing pink, as bright as a giant light bulb, and her eyes look in different directions.

"Hello? Anybody here?" She calls out innocently.

Chris doesn't peek to see where Cammy is. He knows that if he does anything, she will find him. So he attempts to not make a sound.

The chameleon gets closer to the wheel, searching about, and talking to her prey:

"Don't be scared friend. I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm just gonna tear your eyes out, and feast on you like a small, helpless, fly."

Chris could possibly get out of this if he remains quiet—


Damn it.

Cammy turns her attention to the wheel, and walks towards it.

Chris is fucked.

Cammy stops right in front of the seat he's in, grabbing and throwing away the jacket covering him.

"Found ya!" She exclaims.

Chris immediately gets up, raising his hands.

"Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa! Hold on. Can we at least be civil about this? Like, talk this out instead of you just simply killing me?"

Cammy still looks sinister, but she's not making a move to kill him or says no. So, it could be a yes. Chris hops out of the seat and slowly walks towards the unfazed reptile:

"Cuz if you ask me, just killing someone in cold blood is really inhumane. And, I know you're just a literal killing machine so you wouldn't care, but, I don't think that's something you should be proud of. Violence really isn't the answer. The only times it is is when you are facing a monster of pure evil. And I'm not that. None of the people you are hunting down here are evil. We're just a bunch of average Joes that care for the world and only wish to go home. Your friends are the ones who are evil. And yeah I know you're one of them, but, if you really wanna do good, then, I think you should take a different path. You shouldn't kill innocent lives. Rather, the real enemy."

Something has triggered inside of Cammy upon listening to this. She gets a sad look in her eyes, and slowly lowers her head. The mechanism for her neck makes a painful whining sound. Her skin color changes from pink to blue.

"You are right." She mutters in a less cheery voice. "My friends are a bunch of meanies. They call me stupid, annoying, and all in all treat me like a stick in the mud."

Cammy sheds out a couple of black tears. The mere thought of her essentially being abused by her comrades just sickens and brings her down. She looks back up at Chris.

"I never thought I'd meet someone who understands my pain all these years."

Chris feels bad for her. Pretty surprising for him to see one of these animals actually having feelings. He puts his hand on her muzzle, comforting her.

A few feet away, Liv is walking about, broom in hand. She notices Chris and Cammy over by the Ferris wheel. Misunderstanding what they're doing, she rushes towards them, shouting:

"Hey! Back away from him you bitch!"

She attacks Cammy from behind. The two push Chris away and he hits his head on the seat behind him, knocking himself out. Liv tries to hit Cammy with the broom, until the chameleon rolls on her back and kicks Liv away. She flies and lands on the ground hard.

Wally's WonderlandOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora