Chapter 9: Wait, Dib FOLLOWED US!?

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Y/N's POV:

(L/N = Last Name)

Even though Dib's glare was on me the entire time, that didn't stop me from paying attention to what Zim was saying. "Let's go somewhere more private, I need to show you something." Zim said as he dragged me further away from everyone else including Dib. "Be grateful that I'm even showing you this human." As soon as he said that he took out his contacts and wig only to reveal the alien I already knew he was. I stood there shocked even though I already knew he was an alien. Until I finally said, "ZIM! You look adorable!" I ran and gave him a big hug and I'm guessing that's not the reaction he was expecting but he still decided to take that. 

"Zim also needs to explain to you what happened a few weeks ago. Back when I was still in cahoots with my race, the Irkens, we have these leaders called the Tallest. Our ruling system is based off of height, the taller you are the more appreciated you are." As soon as Zim said those words it actually made a lot of sense but nonetheless it was still a messed up system. "Anyways, a few weeks ago Zim was calling to insert his findings with his leaders, he though they'd be excited to find out more about Urth. It turns out Zim was just a big joke to them being played like a "fool" it was hard to find out the truth but at least Zim knew where he stood." He said clearly not as upset as I thought he'd be. "Awh jeez, that's really stinky of them, Zim. I'm sorry that they did that to you, you defiantly don't deserve that treatment." As soon as I said those words Zims face flushed into a blue-like color. "Uh Zim? What's with the blue hue on your face?" I asked. "OH UH it is nothing! Just some silly Irken thing, nothing to worry about!" He said obviously forced. "Alrighty, but you were getting to the point?" I said trying to get the conversation back on track. 

"OH! Right, well they called me last night...I decided to answer and see what they wanted. All they did was apologize over and over and even offered me a REAL invader mission." Zim stated, I thought he'd be more happy about this opportunity but in reality he just looked..down. "And? What else happened?" I asked questionably. "Well, I decided to decline their offer. If I was a joke to them once how would I know that wouldn't happen again. Also I've grown to like this planet and some people on it." While Zim said that I realized he didn't speak in the 3rd person like he usually does. "Zim, you actually spoke in 1st person! You're learning I'm so proud of you!" I squealed in delight as I ran and hugged him. Zim was obviously shocked at this motion but decide to just embrace the hug, a light hue dusting his cheeks. 

~3rd Person POV~

Dib stared over at his best friend and enemy. So he may have followed her and eavesdropped on their conversation but he couldn't help it. He just didn't trust Zim around Y/N. After he saw their hug he got angered he didn't understand why but he just deiced it was best not to intervene. He had already done enough damage to the poor girl. But someone knew he was listening in all along. Zim. Now Zim was no fool, he knew that Dib had been watching them the entire time. So did Y/N. Y/N however, didn't know he was following them, Zim did but decided to ignore it since he felt the girl needed a break from his crazy antics for once. After their hug Y/N checked her phone and told Zim she needed to get home, after saying their goodbyes Zim decided to pay Dib a little visit. He knew that Dib was still watching, waiting, listening. As he walked up to the obvious bush where Dib was hiding he saw him looking up. "Next time, try to be more inconspicuous. We knew you were watching. However, only I knew you were following. Just leave Y/N alone. She needs a break from your crazy antics for once. Do her a favor and just leave her be." He stated before walking off into the distance. Before Dib could say anything he realized his enemy was right. All he could do was wait for his best friend to forgive him. It still didn't help that Zim put salt in the wound. 

Y/N happily walked home and was greeted by her mother. "Oh hey sweetie! I'm back from my trip and I'm sorry I left so suddenly, you know duty calls!" Y/N loves her mother deeply and always had a strong bond with her. Once she saw her she crashed into her and gave her a big hug. "OH MOM! I MISSED YOU!" the young h/c haired girl said as she embraced her mom in a big hug. Y/N had told her mother everything, her mother being the person that she was believed every word of it. She ways always suspicious that there was something more out there that the government was hiding. Y/N had also told her about the whole Dib incident. She was really upset when she heard about their fight and she knew he was only trying to fix it but she knew her daughter needed space. After a long chat, both the L/N women decided to get some sleep. 

Y/N's POV: 

I woke up and did my usual morning routine. I went downstairs to find mom making pancakes. "Since it's Sunday and I'm off I was wondering if you'd like to go do something today? Like have a fun little date." She asked me. "That sees like fun! I could use a break anyways." I said. "Great! There's a Faire coming in to town today and I was wondering if you'd like to start there? It opens in a few hours." She said while sitting down with me and beginning to eat. "I'd love to!" I said with my mouth full of pancakes. After I was done eating I decided to go and get ready. I was about to get dressed when I realized I had a message from Zim. "Y/N, I'd like you to know the other day while we were at the park Dib followed us. I'm sure you knew he was watching us before you dragged me away but he followed us after that. I'm just letting you know he did that." As I read the text my body was filled with rage. What couldn't this boy POSSIBLY understand about personal boundaries. I was about to text Dib when I realized something....


A/N: Hello my loves, I'm officially un-discontinuing this story. Meaning there will be more updates soon. I was in a bit of a funk lately so I'm glad that it's over. Anyways, there'll be another chapter soon I hate to part so soon but I must. Buh-bye! Signing off, ConfusedMiku. (1189 words)

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