Chapter 15: You're my Sweet Candy (early Halloween special! + chapter)

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~3rd person POV~  

Key: I/C = insert whatever costume you'd like

It was a lovely, windy October afternoon when a young H/C girl suddenly realized it was Halloween! The night she'd finally been waiting for all along was here. She smiled while putting together her costume since people were allowed to dress up at her school. She wondered what her best friends would be. She knew Dib would be a paranormal investigator (whatever that was since that was his 'everyday costume'), and Gaz would be a zombie gremlin but she pondered what Zim's costume could be. She decided to be I/C. 

Y/N's POV: 

I really hope that today goes as well as I imagined it to! Zim, Dib, and Gaz all agreed to trick-or-treat with me so I won't have to go alone! I can't wait to spend time with all of them. I grabbed my bag and decided to go to school in costume, most of the other kids did too including all my friends. When I got to school I expected Zim to be in his typical attire but I guess he did some research and was a....bear? He was in a bear costume. Dib and I tried to control our laughter when he emerged from the door and screamed that he was the greatest bear on Earth. 

He must have noticed since he came up to us and said: "Aren't I the greatest bear in existence Y/N?" While winking. The winking caught me off guard and a little bit of blush spread across my face, I'm sure he, nor Dib could tell though since I was laughing so hard. Class started, per usual. It was boring watching the sky and clouds outside. October was always one of my favorite months just because of how cool it is, fall is my favorite time of year. When class ended I ran out since it was a half day for us. I got home and added some touch-ups to my costume and decided to sit and watch old horror movies. When it was around 8:30 PM we all met near Zim's house since his house was closest to all the other good houses with the giant king-sized bars. 

We all went from house to house getting compliments on our costumes and how 'cute' we all were. It was about 10 PM when we all decided to stop and go home. Dib and Gaz went together so I decided to ask Zim if he wanted to walk me home. "Sure, I'll walk you home heh." He winked when he said that and gave me a small smirk. I swore I saw some sort of blue hue on his face which I think was him blushing. 'Is it possible he likes me too? There's no way..' my thoughts trailed on until eventually, he asked me something. "Would you like to accompany me into going into space to help me find something that I need for one of my experiments?" I looked at him as he anxiously waited for a reply. How could I say no to that?! That's literally a once-in-a-lifetime experience! I told him yes of course I would and he seemed hyped. 

"Great! I'll pick you up sometime tomorrow." We were approaching my house when Zim had a blue hue on his face and looked at me with his shiny purple eyes. "I had a really great time with you tonight, Y/N." He stated as he walked closer and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Goodbye now! I have things of utmost importance I SHALL BE GONE!" He stated while running away, his whole face turning blue. I didn't even have time to respond when I became a blushing mess. I decided to finally answer Dib's text with a "Yes I do like him, why?" And waited for a reply.

I'm really excited to hang out with Zim tomorrow, I doubt he'd talk about the kiss though. At least I was right though Zim does like me! I walked over to my room and started jumping up and down squealing with delight as I got dressed into pajamas and fell asleep into the greatest slumber I think I've ever had. 

A/N: HEY GUYS! So I'm going to be busy for the next two weeks because my birthday is in two weeks! So I posted this semi-filler chapter for you all and it's also an early Halloween special! I'm really excited about Halloween and this chapter was so fun to write ALSO the next chapter will continue this one since it's also technically a chapter with a special combined. Anyways, have fun reading and enjoy! Signing off, ConfusedMiku (778  words)

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