Chapter 16: Outer Space & Pies to the face

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Y/N's POV: 

(Key: F/CH/S = Favorite Childhood Song)

This morning I got up and got ready, I'm super stoked to be hanging out with Zim today. I forgot until I realized it was close to the time I needed to go. "Holy rabies! I need to move before I go or I'll be late!" I got up quickly and out of my pajamas and ran to the bathroom to multitask. I can't wait to see the stars and just AUGH!! I'm so excited I could burst! After getting ready, I jumped down the stairs and ran right out the door and straight to Zim's house. 

I knocked on his door and he opened it up. "Hiya! Are you ready to go?" I smiled while Zim looked triumphantly and boasted, "Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?" He smirked and brought me inside his house. Zim pulled me through his trash-can-like lab and then we arrived where his 'Boot Cruiser' was. "Is this the Boot Cruiser?" I asked innocently as Zim burst out with laughter. "Y/N, it's called a Voot Cruiser." He said while chuckling. I felt a little embarrassed and I felt my cheeks flush a bright pink. "Aw, you look cute when you're embarrassed." Zim teased while looking at me with his fake purple eyes. I looked even more flustered than before and Zim seemed to enjoy that. 

"You know, you can take off your disguise. It's just us, Zim." I stated. "Oh, right." Now it was his turn to be embarrassed so I said: "You look cute when you're embarrassed." He looked stunned while a huge blue hue spread across his face. "I can't believe you stole my punchline..." he muttered thinking I couldn't hear what he said. "A-anyways, let's just get in." He stuttered a little while jumping in. "HEYYYY I WANNA COME TOOOOO!" screamed a tiny little robot. "Fine GIR, just don't ruin anything!" Zim screeched. "OOOOOKKKK!" He was ready and jumped on. After that, we flew off into the void of space. 

"Wow! All the stars are amazing! I can't believe how wonderful and beautiful it is!" I exclaimed as I pushed my face up against the window. "I know, it's breathtaking," Zim said cockily, I decided that since the ride was going to take a while I plugged in an earbud but still could hear Zim. "Is it ok if we stop at that purple-y magenta planet?" I asked suggestively. Zim turned away and mumbled something, he seemed upset so I didn't bother. My favorite song started playing so I started humming to it. "Hey, what're you doing?" Zim turned to look at me. "Oh, I'm listening to my favorite song, why?" I asked.  "You know, you could've asked and I would've plugged in your simple human device thingie and had it play through the speakers." He said while looking at me, suggesting I give him the phone.

"Ok, here." I gave it to him and told him to scroll through and pick whichever song he wanted since all of them were my favorites. "This one." He picked one and it started playing, I flushed in embarrassment when I realized it was one of my favorite songs from when I was a kid. "Uh maybe let's not play this one!" I shouted and ran to grab the phone. But before I could reach it Zim grabbed the phone; "No, I like this song I want to continue to listen to it." He slyly smiled while I just decided to sit down. F/CH/S was still playing I was slightly singing along to it as I once did as a child.  Once Zim realized I was singing he turned the volume down while I was still singing along. Once the song was done I looked at him embarrassed as he smiled at me with that stupidly cute smile that I adore- I mean hated. 

"What're you looking at?" I asked while I scoffed and crossed my arms, blushing from embarrassment. "You're a good singer that's all." He laughed and clicked on another song. "Ooh, this one is another favorite of mine!" I exclaimed. "But I get to choose the next one," I said sternly. "That's fine by me, cutie." He mumbled under his breath but I was still able to catch what he said, my face flushed a bright pink. I started to slowly sing more around him since I felt more comfortable as we flew through space.

"After we stop here then we can go home, don't worry I have a surprise for you at the house," Zim said. I realized that GIR was being really quiet which was unusual for the little green robot. I turned around and saw him sleeping. "Awh, he's so cute when he's sleeping!" I picked him up and held him close until Zim got back. "Uh..what're you doing?" He asked me. "Oh, just cuddling GIR. He fell asleep! He's so cute." We left and were driving back to his base.

Once we landed it was night time and I was very exhausted but I forgot Zim had a surprise for me. "So, what's the surprise? Or do I have to wait?" I asked. "Oh, it's just inside, let me set it up for you, and don't worry it won't take long, I'll be back!" He exclaimed. A few minutes turned into 10 and I went to check on what was happening. I came inside and got a pie thrown at me, I wiped the pie off looking dissatisfied as I saw Dib and Zim fighting this creature thing with pies. Seriously? Pies? T.B.C

A/N: Hey everyone, I'm back, love yall and hope you enjoyed it. (944 words)

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