Couldnt sleep

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!This chapter contains body dysmorphia!

Marcy pov

When I woke up I could hear slight mumbling. Anne wasn't in the bed with me anymore yet the room was still dark. I roll over to see Anne in front of her mirror. She pulled her loose shirt tight behind her back. She then grabbed her stomach and fell to the ground crying. I rush to her side.

"Hey.. Anne." Im at a loss for words. It's like I know what to say I just can't say it. "Why?" Anne says under her breath. "Why can't I be skinny and pretty like the other girls?" The words hit me like a bullet.  "Anne, you are pretty. How do you think I fell in love with you other than your personality?" I say in a joking manner getting a chuckle from Anne in response. "I mean look at you! You have beautiful eyes and a pretty face. Don't forget about how strong you are! I mean your the top player on the tennis team. You're gorgeous Anne and don't you forget it." I hug Anne tighter and this time she hugs back. "Thanks Mar Mar." "You wanna go back to bed?" I say while kissing her cheek. "Hehe yeah."

I wake up to the sound of Anne rummaging through her closet. "Anne?" "Oh Mar Mar your awake! I was just trying to find clothes for today." Shes already trying to find clothes!? "Do you even know what we're doing today?" I ask. "Well I was thinking we could go to the mall!" I gasp. "I love the mall!" I then tumble out of bed while trying to get up. "Oh Mar Mar.." Anne says while picking me up which causes my face to heat up. How is she so strong? Nhdjdbjs. At this point my brain has short circuited.

"Well I broke Marcy." Anne says while setting me upright on the bed.

Anne hands me some clothes that I left from our last sleepover.
((Yes Anne washed them))

I walk back into the room after changing and Anne looks stunning.

"You look amazing Anne!" "So do you Mars!" Me and Anne talk awhile while she counts her money

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"You look amazing Anne!" "So do you Mars!" Me and Anne talk awhile while she counts her money. "I have a good $130 dollars to spend." "Wow that's way more than me! I have like $25." "That's cause I'm way better at saving than you!" Anne giggles. "Anyways, ready to go Mar Mar?" She says while swinging her tote bag on. "Ready!"

At the mall

Me and Anne were walking when Anne stopped in her tracks. "Oh my frog." Anne's eyes were sparkling at this point so I couldn't help but look too. She was staring at Build-A-Bear. No surprise there I guess. "They have a pink frog Mars!" Anne grabbed my hand and dragged me in. "Isn't it adorable!" Anne said while pointing to the frog on display. "I'm gonna get it!" Anne said while grabbing one and bringing it to the stuffing machine. She then excitedly did the heart ritual. I'm so lucky to have her.

We then made our way to the computer to make the certificate. "I feel as if it's pretty obvious on what I'm gonna name it." "Let me guess, your naming it Sprig?" "How'd you know!" Anne said while typing it into the computer.

We continue to walk around the mall a bit. Anne carried Sprig everywhere and refused to put him in the box. We did stop at bath and body works because Anne's perfume was running out. We then went to GameStop and I bought a new game. "Are you gonna finish that today?" Anne assumes. "Maaybe." I say over exaggerating the a.

There was a crystal store at the mall so we made sure to stop by that. We got matching rose quartz bracelets.

We then went to our own homes. I love Anne so much.

I'll always love you / marcanne / Marcy x Anne Where stories live. Discover now