You can tell me anything

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!Mentions of self harm, self harm scars, implied eating disorder!

Marcy pov

"Hey Anna-Banana." I say curled up in a blanket. "Hm?" She hums. "Wanna go get something to eat?" Anne immediately looks up from her phone. "Yeah sure!" She says getting off the bed and putting on her shoes.

As we are walking to the place, I think about the conversation me and my friends had. I don't deserve Anne at all. She's so pretty, perfect, and an amazing person overall. She's going through so much right now too. I wish I could talk to her about her cutting herself. She's always so happy. I never thought she'd do that to herself. Unknowingly, I hug Anne just to make sure she's really there.

Anne giggles and puts her arm around me as we walk into (insert fast food chain). "Ok Mars what do you want?" Anne asks. I look over the menu. "I'll take a 6 piece chicken nugget!" I say while dragging her to the counter.

We sit down at a table with our food. I'm halfway done when I notice Anne hasn't touched her food. "Annie, aren't you hungry?" I worryingly say. "I'll eat at home." She says giving me a reassuring smile. Her response makes me worry more. I don't wanna be pushy so I finish quickly so we can go to her house.

-15 minutes later

I look over to her desk to see the nuggets untouched. "Anne, you still haven't eaten the nuggets. I'm worried." "Marce, Im fine! Im just really not that hungry." I try to think back to the last time she ate. "You haven't eaten since we went to go buy the flags. That was hours ago." I genuinely start to feel worried for her. My eyes drift to her wrists where I see fairly new cuts. My heart stops. "Anne, are you ok? Don't hide anything from me, please." I take her hand in mine and give her a reassuring smile.

"I'll always love you."

((Sorry this is short! Im writing this at 1 in the morning and I gotta get to bed.))

I'll always love you / marcanne / Marcy x Anne Where stories live. Discover now