Ill always love you

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!Self harm and mentions of self harm, mentions of eating disorder!

Annes pov

I cant pretend like its nothing anymore. She cares a lot about me. I sigh. "Ok Marce, I'll tell you. I won't hide anything." Marcy scooted closer to me. I begin to explain how it all started and why I keep on doing it. Explaining why I don't eat was a hard part.

"I hate my body so much." My eyes begin to water. "I hate it. I hate it. I hate it." I grip my head and start pulling my hair. "I hate it. I hate it." The sentence repeats in my head. My skin burns as I scratch it. I scratch at my wrists. Scratching off the scabs allowing a tiny bit of blood to flow. "I hate it. I hate it. I hate it."

"Anne! Anne snap out of it please!" Marcys hands are on my shoulders gripping tightly. I begin to go back to reality. "What happened?" "You began to hurt yourself. You also kept repeating 'I hate it.' and you just wouldn't stop." I examine my surroundings. My wrists slightly bleeding and my arms swollen. "I'm sorry you had to witness that Mars." "Anne it's not your fault. You let your thoughts take over." She says calmly. "Thanks Mar Mar."

-a while later

Marcy climbed into bed. We both laid down, my arms wrapping around Marcy as she took out her phone. "What do you want to watch?" Marcy questioned. "Whatever you want." Marcy then clicked on a commentary video. I buried my face into the back of her neck as I slowly fell asleep.

I woke up to Marcy sitting upright scrolling on her phone. "Morning Marce." I said while yawning. "Good morning Anne. How'd you sleep?" "Pretty good. What about you?" "Meh." I sit upright next to Marcy. "I love you." I say. "Love you too Annie." "Always?" "Always." Marcy says turning to look at me. "You promise?" "I promise." She says.

"I'll always love you, Anna-banana, no matter what." "I'll always love you too, Mars, nothing will ever change how much you mean to me."

!attempted suicide, pills!

Marcy pov

I laid in bed scrolling through my camera roll when I get a text from Anne. Why is she texting now? It's 3 am. I click on the text.

I love you so much Mars. You changed my life in so many ways. Your an amazing person Marcy. Please don't hate me for this but I can't do this anymore. Goodbye Mar Mar. I'll always love you.

I quickly shut off my phone and run to Annes house. Anne please don't be gone. I can't imagine a world without you. When I make it to her house I see the only light that is on in the house is in Annes room. I quickly climb up to her window. She's sitting on the floor staring away from the window. I open up the window and climb in.

"ANNE STOP PLEASE!" I find myself yelling. "I can't live without you!" Tears are pouring down my face. "Please don't Anne." She turns around tears in her eyes. "Marcy.." She says under her breath. We stare at eachother for a moment. Her eyes once filled with optimism, now drained out to a pulp. "Please don't Anne. I know it may seem like the only solution, it really isn't." I plead. She drops the bottle of pills and runs towards me. "I'm so sorry! I couldn't handle it anymore!" Her tears soak my shoulder. "Anne, you are gonna be fine." I look her in the eyes.

"We have eachother and that's all that matters. I don't care about all those people anymore. Wanna know why, because I have you Anne! You have been there at my lowest and the least I can do is be here for you. So please, stay with me and we can make it through this together."

"I love you Marcy! I love you so much! I'll always love you!"

We then spent the night together. Just me and Anne. Anne and me.

I'll always love her.

I'll always love you / marcanne / Marcy x Anne Where stories live. Discover now