Chapter 1: Introductions

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My name is Izzy, I'm 13 years old, almost 14 in three months. You could say I'm an average teenage girl... I'm a freshman in high school. I skipped a grade because everything was way too easy for me, I make at least a B in every class when it isn't an A. I'm a very smart girl... that makes stupid decisions.

My average-ness is about to become much less average seeing as in, I've fallen pregnant.

It all started with a dance, a special dance. A dance with the boy I've been crushing on since elementary school. Skyler Grey. He's so perfect in every way, I was shocked when he asked me to home coming. Speechless even.

Izzy's P.O.V

"So Izzy... Your name IS Izzy, right?" "Yeah, I'm Izzy." He grinned, brushing his falling, silky looking brown locks to the side of his beautifuly detailed face. "So Izzy... I was maybe wondering... If you'd like to go to home coming with me?" He asked, pulling out a rose from behind his back.

Every year, our school sells roses for the boys (or girls) to give to their crush when they ask. Same goes with prom night, it's just.. well, it's cute.

I stared at him, then down at the rose feeling my mouth drop open a bit while he placed it in my hand. "I... yes, I would love to." I probably sounded desperate, which I was. I'd had my eyes on him for years, but to be completely honest I was looking for any boy contact I could get, which wasn't any until Skyler asked me to home coming. "Great, so I'll pick you up saturday at 7?" "Yeah, 7 sounds good." "See you then." He said as he winked backing away from me slowly.

He turned around, flipping his hair to the side turning the hall to what I'm assuming is where his 3rd period is located. I was first lunch, he was second, he must be reallllllly late to class.

All of a sudden, I got the urge to skip school. Just leave campus and go home. Not like my father would care, he's too busy working to care. My mom died giving birth to me... My dad always told me I was her little angel, that she wanted me so badly, she was so excited when she found out she was pregnant with me. She wanted me so badly, and she didn't live long enough to even hold me. She didn't see me, she couldn't name me or change my first diaper. She couldn't feed me my first meal or take me home the next morning. She was sent to a morgue instead of being sent home like she was supposed to.

Ever since I was born, my grandma said he's changed. Ever since my mother died during child birth. He's so caught up in work, he doesn't pay attention to anything but his computer. He works from home, and in an office. He's a lawyer, and a good one at that. Constantly busy with clients, or should I say criminals. I'm still not sure how I feel about that...

I decided I'd walk out of school, slip through the side exit and book it to the bus stop. I flipped my hood up, pressing my ear buds into my ears. Music is my only escape in this world, It is all i've ever had for comfort. I have one friend... Maci, but she's so into her boyfriend she's love struck and blind as fuck. I love her, but I hate her sometimes.

The wind picked up as the bus arrived at my feet, opening its doors to a foul smell. God, do they ever clean their buses? I flashed the driver my pass and proceded to the back of the bus, pulling the strings on my hoodlie close and tight.

"Hello...." I mumbled into my phone as I got a call from Maci... Speak of the devil. She's second lunch, so she must be on lunch now. "Where are you?" "Going home." "What!? Why?" "I felt like it... Oh my god Mace, I got asked to home coming!" "Shut up!" "Mhm, guess who asked me?" "Was it Brian?" "Ew no. Guess again." "I don't know Iz, just tell me." "Who have I liked since second grade?" "No way did Skyler Grey ask you to home coming. You lucky bitch, I hate you! You have to tell me all of what happens! Every detail you hear me?" "Yeah yeah Mace. I'll tell you. Anyway, I've reached my stop. Going to try and get my dad to hear me out on something for once." "What?" "I want to talk to him about home coming... I'm hoping he'll stop working for two seconds, just long enough to bond with him over a small conversation... We never talk anymore it seems.." "Well Iz, I wish you the best of luck." "Thanks Maci. Talk to you later, love ya." "Love you too girl."

I ended the call, stepping down the three steps to the ground and off the bus. The bus stop was literally right outside my house, very conveinent. "Dad?" I called, hanging my jacket on the wall by the door, slipping my shoes off. I could hear him talking, more like arguing with someone over the phone. "Dad, can I talk to you for a minute?" "Izzy, I'm busy. It'll have to wait till later." He said before continuing his phone conversation. I can't believe strangers are more important than his own daughter. I'll never understand him. "I got asked to home coming." "That's great sweetie. No, you can't do that, he's guilty! We all agreed not to take him in. Yeah... uh huh... No. Benjamin, I will come down there." "Dad... I want to buy a dress. A new dress.. Will you come shopping with me?" "You need some money? For a dress?" He said pulling out his wallet and handing me a 50 dollar bill. "Go ahead and buy a dress. Ben, no. Stop and think about what you're saying."

I should have figured he'd ignore me... I should have never got my hopes up on having one decent conversation with my father.

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