Chapter 4:

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Izzy's P.O.V

I looked in the mirror, down at my belly as I rubbed some lotion into my skin. I don't want stretch marks. I don't want those nasty lines on my body. I'm upset I'm going to lose my figure for this baby that I'm not even sure I want to keep. I just can't imagine giving birth to a child and then giving it away... how hard would that be? I can honestly say, it is my number one choice right now, at this moment in time.

I'm actually going down to an adoption agency tomorrow to look at couples after my first ultrasound. I'm four months pregnant and I've never had an ultrasound... I was too scared to go into the doctor for awhile, which probably wasn't a good idea. I should have been thinking more for my baby and not for me.

I made one last attempt to button my jeans before looping a hair tie through the side with the hole and connecting it to the button. At least they'll stay up that way and I don't have to wear yoga pants to school. It's 104 degrees outside, I can't wear a hoodie, but I feel like I just look fat... So, I'm hoping no one will notice me. I'm hoping nobody will say anything today... I doubt that though, I've been gone for a week... My father hasn't even noticed. He doesn't get the calls when I miss school, I had him use my number, he thought it was his. Shows how much he pays attention right? I'm pretty sure he was on the phone the whole time I was being enrolled.


"Iz!" I was hugged with a very loving and warm welcome from Maci. "I'm so glad you're back!" "I'm not." "Everything will be fine, Iz. I promise." "People are staring at me already, and I've only been here for five seconds." She looked to the group of girls we've never gotten along with staring and giggling at us while we huttled in the corner. "They can suck it. C'mon, I'll walk you to class."

She looped her arm in mine and walked me past the drama queens. "Looks like we have a new school whore." One of them said before giggling, so fucking annoying. He laugh, is the most annoying thing in the world. "Who's the baby daddy? The whole football team?" I heard her say again.

"You know what Amber, shut up. Don't be bagging on her just because you made a mistake and had an abortion." She looked at Maci as he face turned red. Amber's boyfriend was standing behind her the whole time, it was priceless. "You had an abortion?" "No, baby I would never..." "You were pregnant and you didn't tell me?" "Ryan, no that's not it..." "Amber, we're through. Goodbye." He brushed his hair back and walked away furiously.

I was trying not to laugh, because honestly it was quite hilarious. Amber ran away crying to the bathroom while the other girls just looked blankly at each other.

The first bell rang letting us know we had five minutes to get to class. "C'mon, we're going to be late!" We paced ourselves going down the hall past the couple hundred students in the halls, pushing some aside as they bumped into us. My stomach began turning with a sense of anxiety building up in my chest. "Maci, I want to go home." "Izzy, you're fine." "No, I'm not fine. I'm going to be sick." "It's in your head, you're going to be fine, okay? Now have fun, I'll see you fourth period." She tapped me into class and ran down the hall to her own before second bell rang.

Everyone stared at me while I walked to my seat, Amber wasn't here. She's in my first period class, she wasn't here. Maci really hurt her feelings. I'll admit, I don't like Amber, but that might have went a little too far.

I put my head down on my desk feeling nauseous, I couldn't stop moving my legs and tapping my fingers. My face was heated, my head was pounding and my heart was dropping to my gut. "Izzy, head up. Pay attention." I rolled my eyes, near tears as I lifted my head up.

I raised my hand hoping she'd see me, I can't pay attention feeling like this. "Can I use the restroom?" I asked desperately. "Class just started. You should have went before hand." She said before returning to her lesson. Oh no.

I held my hand over my mouth, knowing I was going to be sick. I tried holding it back, but I couldn't. I got out of my seat, literally running to the trashcan and vomiting in it... in front of the whole class.

The teacher looked at me and mumbled "Izzy, go to the nurse, take the trashcan with you." I nodded and left the room. Everyone just heard me barf. Everyone just saw me barf.... this is the most embarrassing thing.... ever.

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