Chapter 7:

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Izzy's P.O.V

"Mom?" I ask. There was this tall, brunette woman standing from afar, I swear she looked just like my mother. The pictures I've seen of her. She walked closer, taking my hand. "Isabel." She said. Her voice was so soft and sweet. "Mom.." I hug her tightly. "My baby is having a baby." She says wiping a year from her fragile face. "I miss you a lot mom." "I never got to hold my baby..." "I'm right here mom." "I know.." "This is a dream... right?" "Yes, you are dreaming. But I've come to tell you that I think your decision to put your son up for adoption, is very brave and very wise. I know your father doesn't agree, I saw the way he acted." "You've been watching over me?" "Every day baby girl."

"Izzy wake up, time for school!" I hear my dad yell from the staircase. Holy crap. That couldn't have felt more real. My mom.... That was my mom... I've never felt more safe in my life and now it's over...
"Alright class, we're going to begin with a little experiment this morning." Mr.s Stevens said as we sat down at our desks. I couldn't fit in mine. I kept trying and trying but it was so uncomfortable. "Do we have a problem Mr.s Izzy?" "I uh..." "She's too pregnant to fit in her desk." One of the girls in the back say. It was the most embarrassing thing ever, having everyone giggle at me. "You can sit at my desk for now."

I stood up and went over to the teachers desk for a seat. This is even more embarrassing. Sitting in front of the whole class. I began to cry, silently but painfully. Fuck Skyler for getting me into this... Fuck him for being a chicken and running out of state. I live in Florida, he moved to Idaho with his dad. His mom still lives here, she's very disappointed in him and we talk weekly. She wants to see her grandbaby and I don't blame her.

"Are you feeling okay?" I heard Mrs Stevens ask me in a whisper. I wiped my cheek of tears and answered softly. "No.. That was so embarrassing." "It's alright Isabel. There's nothing to be ashamed of." "I just want to go home." "You can make it through the day, I believe in you."

Everyone stared at us while she whispered to me. I was the center of attention, and not in a good way. I'm 7 months pregnant, my belly is already humongous. I wish I could get him out of me and just hand him over already. I don't want to make that sound horrible, but it's true. I love my son, but I'm not ready and it's making my life more difficult by the day.
"Dad, can we talk for a minute?" "Sure sweetie. What's going on?" He's been there for me more since he found out I was pregnant. It's been nice having a dad for once. "Can I move schools when the baby is born?" "Why Izzy?" "Because everyone thinks I'm a whore because I'm pregnant and I'm 14 and I just don't want to deal with it all four years of high school." "I'll look into it, if that's what you really want Izzy." "Thank you so much dad." I hugged him tightly. "I love you." "I love you too."
"There's your baby." I heard a woman say softly. My seven month sonogram. "The baby seems to be pretty healthy. You're doing a good job. Just keep taking those pre natals and it should be smooth sailing." I wiped the goo off my belly, thanking the ultrasound tech. "Thank you so much." She handed me the photos of the sonogram and I was on my way.

I was being picked up by Maci, so I really hope she's here. I'm starving and I'm craving sonic. I want a big burger and a fancy milkshake.
I put my hand on my belly, rubbing it in a circular motion. He's doing gymnastics in there, it's quite uncomfortable. "Iz! over here!" She shouted. She was in a tiny white car parked on the side of the road outside the clinic. "Mace!" I say waving at her.

"How'd it go?" She asked putting her seat belt back on. "It went well. Baby is healthy. Another six weeks and he should be born." I said in excitement. "Dang Izzy, it doesn't seem like it's been that long since you got pregnant." "seven and a half months goes by quick. I just want to see who he looks like. If he looks like me or Skyler. Or more I want to hear what he looks like. I'm not sure I'd like to hold him... It might make me attached and I'll want to take him home. I can't do that... I have to give him to someone who can provide for him, and I can't do that.

"Can we pleassssseeeee go to sonic? I've been craving a burger all day." "Sure thing preggo mama. One sonic burger, coming right up."

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