Chapter 3:

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Izzy's P.O.V

I started to realize my clothes were beginning to get tight, I couldn't even button my jeans anymore. I haven't told anyone about my pregnancy, not even Maci. I went to a clinic like planned parenthood to get another more accurate test than the boxed kind, only because planned parenthood, if you're under the age of 16, you have to have a parent sign for you, and we can't have that. As if my father would drop any of his work to come and help his daughter out anyway. He probably wont even come to the hospital when the baby is born. I'll be there all alone...

I feel the urge to tell someone, but every time I think about it, it just makes me nervous and me being nervous leads to vomiting. I've already got enough of that from morning sickness. I've stayed home 6 days in the past two weeks from being unable to leave the bathroom without being sick. Maci keeps asking what's wrong, but I'm really not sure If I'm ready to tell anyone. It just sucks having no one there for me, no one that knows what I'm going through. Maybe she'd understand? Maybe she'll be supportive.

I checked the time, since Maci has second lunch and I'm not at school today, due to my viscous morning sickness routine, to make sure it would be the right time to call her. I don't want to have to explain everything over the phone. Luckily it was 12:30 pm, just about the time second lunch gets out and first lunch gets over.

"Hello?" "Mace, I really need to talk to you about something." "Oh boy." "Can you come over after school?" "Fuck school, is it important?" "A little yeah." "I'll be there in half hour." "Maci, don't skip." "They won't notice I'm gone Iz." "Your parents will." "Whatever, fuck em. You need me, I'm there. I've got to go if I'm going to slip past security. I'll see you soon."

Maci is a rebel, if you'd like to call her that or think of her in that way. I know I do. When someone says rebel, she's the first thing that comes to mind. That's not necessarily a bad thing either. It makes her who she is, and who she is, is a sister. I have no siblings seeing as my mother passed having her first child. She was only 20 years old, my dad is five years older than her, they met at a bar. I know what you're thinking, she was 20 when she had me, must have been 18 when they met right? 21 is the legal drinking age here, so how would they have met at a bar? My father and mother were reckless back then. She had a fake ID, and lied about being 25 from Italy. I'm half Italian, but she was never born or raised, not even been to Italy, so it was technically a lie. All of that doesn't matter.... my mother passed away having me, that's all that matters, so I have no siblings and Maci is my family. She's my only family, I love her to death.

"Hey, your door was unlocked so I came right in." "Holy shit Mace! You scared me!" I threw a pillow at her face after she'd closed the door completely. "Cut to the chase Iz, what's the big news?" She plopped down on my bed beside me and bounced around a bit seeming antsy. "I don't want you to think of me any differently when I tell you this Maci..." "Why would I ever think of you any less than a sister? What's wrong, what happened?"

I was wearing a rather large hoodie so that my tiny baby bump would be less noticeable. I have the flattest stomach in the world normally, so I knew she'd know when she saw my stomach.

I slid my hoodie off to a think tank underneath. I couldn't bear to wear anything more seeing as this hood gets really hot wearing it around all day. I lifted my shirt up, just under my breasts to expose my bulging belly. "I'm pregnant Maci." "Holy shit, psycho. Why didn't you tell me? You're huge!" "I'm not that big yet, I'm only 4 months." "You never even told me you had sex you arse." She crossed her arms looking at me sly. "Who's the father?" "Skyler..." "Skyler Grey, is the father of your baby?" "Skyler Grey is the father of my baby." "Did you tell him?" "No, I don't really want anything to do with him." I mean, I did but I didn't so it wasn't entirely a lie.

I want my baby to have a mother and a father, just like any other expectant mother would but he basically raped me. I told him no and he proceeded anyway. It wasn't even enjoyable, it hurt really bad. I was a virgin, I guess it was supposed to but he wasn't very gentle knowing that either like he said he was going to be. He just lied, he's a joke. He's a pretty, handsome joke of a man, boy, I should say. He isn't even a man. He's a boy, pretty pathetic. "You loved him a few months ago, you seemed to like him enough to have sex with him... what happened?" "I..." I paused, running my hands over the front of my face frustrated. "He raped me Maci. I told him no, and he raped me." "No way.... You've got to tell the cops Izzy, that's not okay!" "No, no cops. Don't tell anyone, alright? Nobody can know. Promise me, right now... That you won't tell anyone about my pregnancy... especially not Skyler." "I promise."

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