Chapter 5:

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Izzy's P.O.V

"It looks to be....a boy." I looked at the screen seeing nothing but a silhouette of my unborn child. "A boy?" "Do you have any names picked out?" "I'm looking into adoption, actually." "Oh. Well, I wish you the best of luck with that, my dear." "Thanks, I'm going to need it."

I wiped the goo off my belly and pulled my shirt back down. "Can I get copies of the baby pictures? I'd like to keep them..." "Of course! Would you like the DvD of the sonogram as well?" "They do that?" "Yeah, of course. I'll get one of those for you too."

I think that's great, maybe that's how I'll tell my father. Maybe The pictures is how I'll tell Skyler... If I even want him to know. He is the father though, he has a right.... doesn't he? Or does he? He raped me... He shouldn't have a right.... But I guess legally he does... Right?


"Dad... are you busy?" "Nope, not at the moment, what's up sweet heart?" Oh wow. For once he's NOT busy with criminals that are more important than his only daughter? "I have something I want you to watch... It's important." I handed him the disc and he looked at it for a second before saying anything. "What is it?" "Just, watch it okay? I'll explain to you afterwards." "Oh boy, alright."

He popped the disc into his computer, turning the sound on the speakers up a bit. There was some scratching noises and a loud thumping sound that was the baby's heart beat. You should see my name and age in the corner, which gave it away that it was my sonogram. "Izzy, what is this?" "Dad.. I'm sorry... I didn't know how else to tell you..." "You're pregnant, Izzy? Why didn't you tell me sooner? I could have taken you to the doctor." "Dad, you're so busy with everything... I tried... You wouldn't listen." He looked at the screen again, shaking his head. "I'm sorry... I should be more attentive... How did this happen?" "You're not mad at me?" "Mad? No. Disappointed? Yeah, A little... Who's the father?" "Skyler... a boy from school..." "Does he know?" "No, and I don't want him to." "Why is that?"

I don't want to tell him.... but I know I have to. He's a lawyer, so he's going to make a big deal out of the rape thing... "I went to this party and there was alcohol and weed and..." "Izzy Marie!" "Hang on dad, I didn't do any of those things, I swear on my baby's life... but he did... he was high, and he was drunk and I told him no and... he raped me..." "I want this boy's full name, I want his adress and I want him to find a lawyer. I won't stand for this. Why didn't you tell me Izzy? This is serious. I won't stand for this." "Dad please, I don't want to make a big deal out of it...." "Izzy... I don't want to hear another word out of you. Go to your room." He said stern, handing me the DvD back. "But dad." Now. Izzy."


My dad ended up going to the school's principle after getting a warrant from the court house for his information. He asked if they knew what was going on at their school, if they knew anything about the molestation or how bad the kids are here. He went to Skyler's house and dropped off papers in their mailbox... I can't show my face at school ever again... I'm so scared, Skyler messaged me and I'm too nervous to read it. I know it's about the papers... and I know he's pissed.

He called me... he called me six times. I'm going to have to face him...

Who knew such a good dream, would turn into a nightmare most foul.

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