Chapter 6:

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Izzy's POV

"Them, I like them." "Kyle and Brennan?" I chose a lovely gay couple that obviously couldn't have children otherwise. They had a lovely home in California, and have been married for two years, together for 9. They're in their late twenties and seem mentally and financially stable. "I pick them. I want them." "Alright, I'll give them a call and set up a meeting as soon as possible. I'll keep you updated." "Thank you so much."


"You must be Izzy." I got a warm welcome and loving hug from one of the men, Kyle. He was cute, really cute and he smelled fantastic. I had to wait a month to even get in to see them because Brennan was on a business trip in another country.

"And you must be Kyle." "Can I?" He asked looking down at my belly." "Sure, your kid." He put his hand on my stomach as baby boy moved around, kicking me in the pelvis. "Aw! The baby kicked me honey!" He said looking back at his husband. "How cute is that?"

He sat down next to his husband, taking his hand. "Lets discuss what's going to take place. You two, Kyle and Brennan, you will come down to Florida when the baby is on it's way, while Izzy is in labor. You'll have to wait in the reception area of course but you can be there when he is born." "I can't believe this is happening. Not many people want to adopt a baby out to a gay couple. We thank you so much for this blessing." I smiled and crossed my hands in my lap.

I'm 6 months pregnant and really starting to pop at this point. Skyler moved to a different state, specifically because of the baby and the trial. He pleaded innocent on case of adolescence. Bull shit if you ask me.

"What are you expecting out of this adoption, Izzy?" "I want to know how he's doing... I want to know what he looks like as he grows..." "So you're looking for an open adoption? How about you two? Are you willing to have an open adoption?" "Of course! I can't imagine having it any other way. You're the birth mother, and I understand how you'll want to see your child grow. I understand it's hard to be a young parent, especially at 14 years old. We would be more than happy to send you updates monthly, if that's what you'd prefer. We can do annually as well, if you'd rather do it that way." "Monthly sounds great. I just have a question... Would I be able to see him.... Like... in a few years, can I meet him?"

They looked at each other, Brennan kissing Kyles hand. "We can work that out when the time comes. I think it would be good to have him know who you are so he can get to know his roots. He won't have to search you up online and go through the hassle of trying to figure it all out himself. we'd very much like it, if you were a part of his life."

This is going better than I could have ever expected. "Do you have any names picked out?" "We're thinking of naming him Jackson. Jackson Lionel." "That's a nice name. Jackson." "We're glad you think so too."

The rest of the meeting was going over paperwork and how the hand off would be. We learned a bit more about each other and decided we'd set up a lunch date for the following day to get to know each other a bit better. They're going to be the parent's of my child forever, I want to know them as best I can. I need to know Jackson is going to a good family. I just want the best life for him...


"Thank you again Izzy for coming to lunch with us. We greatly appreciate what you're doing for us." "I feel you two would be the best fit for him... for Jackson. I just... I want to give him the best life possible and I know... I know that I can't give that to him. I can't give him what he needs..." I tried holding back the tears, but they just came pouring out. I know he wasn't planned, and I know I'm giving him up... but he's a part of me... he's my child and he'll always be my child. Knowing that there is this being growing inside of you for nine months, and knowing you're going to go into the hospital with him and leave with nothing just makes you emotional you know?

"Aw sweetie." Ryan handed me a tissue from across the table. "I'm sorry, it's the hormones." "This must be hard for you, but you're so strong knowing that adoption is the best for your child... You're thinking about his future, and not yourself. You are literally, one of the strongest people I have ever met. 14 years old and already having to make difficult life decisions like this... I admire you greatly."


"When were you going to tell me you were putting your child up for adoption Isabel?" "I... Now?" "I just don't think I'm ready for a child... especially under the circumstances." My father obviously doesn't agree with my decision, but ultimately, it's not his choice. It's mine and only mine. This baby is growing in MY body. And I know... this is what's best for him. What's best for my son.

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