Maria Malasca [Part 1]

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Jealousy Strikes {Maria's POV}
Hey peeps! The name's Maria Malasca, daughter of Aphrodite herself. I have long black hair and black eyes . I go to school at Goode High and I'm proud to say that I am the famous, well famous at school but that's not the point, Percy Jackson's best friend. He's the guy every girl describes as 'perfection' and has been my best friend for 2 years. And I may or may not have a crush on him.....
Today is going to be the day I ask him out. I mean, he never mentioned a girlfriend or anything, and when we went to CHB he didn't spend time with any girl except for some of his friends like Piper, who was dating Jason so you get the point. He spent some time sword fighting with Clarisse but Clarisse was dating Chris so Percy shouldn't be dating anyone. Omaygahds! I'm so nervous but I'm 99% positive he would say yes.
...........................Time Skip to Greek Class.........................
Greek is sooo boring! I only took it because Percy was in it with me... Anyways, we had our Greek oral test today and in the whole class only Percy and Ms. Ditra who was from Greece speaks the language. I know I'm greek but I hate the language and I don't even bother to study the subject. While I was fiddling with my pencil waiting for Ms. Ditra, she came with a gorgeous girl with blond curls and stormy intimidating eyes. There was pain and suffering inside her eyes, but she covered that up by a cheerful smile. She scanned the room and locked eyes with Percy. Percy grinned back at her. She took her seat, which was behind me. I'm sure they aren't a pair, cause I bet that if they were dating, Percy would've mentioned her or kissed her or something. They might be cousins or related somehow.
Ms. Ditra said that her name was Annabeth Chase. Hmm, where did I hear that name from? Camp? Nah. Probably just little old me thinking of a piece of useless information. Ms. Ditra said," Annabeth, you can just take the test to try but if you can't, that would be fine."
We were all paired up in twos. I was paired up with a school nerd. Percy was paired up with Annabeth, probably because she was new and he was the best in our class.
The nerd and I were first, we had no idea what to say. We just said simple words like 'hi', 'bye', and 'thank you'. Ms. Ditra just gave a small smile. I hope I passed. What the hey, I don't care, my mom is the goddess of beauty so whatever right people?

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