Joanne Woodley

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Joanne Woodley

Note that the mist was gone here.

Well, let's see, next on my guy dating list....... Jason. Perfect. He has these blue electrifying eyes and blonde messy hair. So. Freaking. Hot. He has a girlfriend but I bet that he'll dump her for me. I can just tell him that I'm a freaking daughter of Aphrodite and he'll dump her. I just know. I mean, I bet she's just some fat girl who Jason pities so he dates her. Hah! I'm your definition of perfection. I mean, blonde hair, blue eyes, another reason Jason and I should be together. 💁


I quickly ran to Jason and there he was, with a brown braided haired girl, with kaleidoscope eyes who was holding hands with MY FUTURE BOYFRIEND. Ugh. I decided that it was my moment to shine. I tried to lace my hand with his but then he pushed my hand away and looked disgusted. How could he resist?! Now we have to get on with the Aphrodite thing. I said," Attention everyone! I have a confession to make. I'm a DAUGHTER OF APHRODITE AND I'M HER FAVORITE DAUGHTER." I lied. So what?! I don't care, I would do anything to get a boy. He interwind hands together and prayed. What was that about? Suddenly, the most beautiful woman I have ever seen appeared and she seemed to be getting prettier and prettier in every second. She said to the brown haired girl," Piper! Such a long time since I've seen you, I haven't seen my pride and joy since the giant war where you did kick some butt. And Jason, may I ask why you have called? You said someone was being rude."

Oh my gods. I'm going to be in so much trouble! Gosh, having the goddess of love AND beauty right in front of you is nerve-wracking! The girl called Piper said,"Mom! We're in school right now, where everybody can see us?! And I'm sure Lord Ares would be mad if someone flirted with you. Or even worse! You flirt with them! Eww, gross mom!"

Then hottie Jason spoke up,"Lady Aphrodite, I ask for you to see if this girl right here, is your daughter, do acknowledge her if you are her mother." Jason pointed at me. Ugh.

Lady Aphrodite turned to me and replied,"May I have a picture of your father?"

I nodded and gave her a picture of my dad and I at the beach. She continued," Ugh! No, not with those looks!" I felt heat rose up to my cheeks. What is this feeling? Embarrassment? No way! Jason said,"Hi, my name is Jason Grace, son of Jupiter, brother of Thalia Grace, ex-praetor of Camp Jupiter, counselor of the Zeus cabin, I helped defeat Gaea (or Gaia), part of the Seven heroes of Olympus, fought too many monsters. Piper, your turn."

Piper smirked and said,"My name is Piper Mclean, daughter of Aphrodite and the actor, Tristan Mclean, Aphrodite's pride and joy, owner of the greek sword Katopris (How do you spell it?), counselor of the Aphrodite cabin, part of the Seven heroes of Olympus, helped defeat Gaea and girlfriend of the one and only, Jason Grace."

Aphrodite said,"So it's you huh......" She snapped her fingers and I felt the urge to kiss Ben Flores, the least popular guy in school. I went to him and I kissed him, not even able to move my hands or feet. I tried to restrain myself but Aphrodite's magic was working on me. Aphrodite and the others were laughing at me. Finally, the magic wore off and I rushed to the bathroom too wash my lips. Ew, gross! I, Joanne Woodley, the most popular girl in school, kissed Ben Flores, the least popular guy in school. Ughh!
Lesson of the day : Aphrodite can be mean.
Hey everybody! I know I told you guys that I would do it on Saturday or Monday but I am free today so here's to you guys. I'm sorry, I ditched Percabeth for this chapter but I promise next chapter will be Percabeth. Full Percabeth. Anyway, do read, enjoy, comment and vote!

Lots of Percabeth Love, Caitlyn

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