Cheater! Part 3

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Cheater! Part 3

Annabeth POV

I carefully walked down the aisle, staring at my soon-to-be husband. For a second, Justin was Percy, but then it was Justin again. In front of me are my bridesmaids, Thalia, Piper, and Hazel. (A/N- I know in a wedding there's only 2 bridesmaids but please bear with me.) My hand was linked with my dad, and my mom was smiling genuinely at me. I know that she's probably the most happy that we broke up. She even said to me a few days ago that she was very pleased with me marrying Justin and breaking up with that 'sea scum'.

"You look beautiful, even more than usual,"Justin whispered. That broke me away from my thoughts. I smiled at him in thanks.

--------------------------------Nico carries McDonalds, line break------------------------------------------

Still Annabeth's POV

Soon, it came to the objections. Hera said,"Does anyone object this marriage?" (A/N- Hera is still the goddess of marriage people!)

The whole room was silent. Even Aphrodite didn't object, she just smirked. I wonder what that was about. Hera continued,"If there there are no objections, I pronounce you husband and w-"

Suddenly the door opened and someone I haven't seen since two years ago came in, sweating and tired. He shouted,"I OBJECT! I still have feelings for Annabeth and I can't let this happen."

Everyone in the room was stunned by the sudden outburst. I felt my stomach tie into a knot. Not particularly because Percy, my ex-boyfriend was here but because I would have to choose between two guys. I can't help but admit to herself that I did have some feelings for Percy too. (A/N- Sorry if this isn't like a proper wedding, I'm only 10 years old and I seriously don't know how a wedding is held.)

Then, Aphrodite squealed and said,"Pick! Pick Annie, pick!" I glared at Aphrodite. She didn't seem to see me and was thinking about something. Percy said,"Annabeth, I really, really am sorry for 2 years ago. I still have feelings for you and I can't seem to forget you. Accept me again, please. Let's start over." I started to feel tears brimming in my eyes. Justin was staring at me with a hopeful look in his eyes. I couldn't take it anymore. I ran out of the church, and sat on a bench, tears dripping down continuously and involuntarily.

After a minute of sobbing and my makeup getting destroyed, I saw someone that I didn't at all expect to come to me. My mom, my biological mom, Athena. She carefully sat down and snapped her fingers. There was soon a packet of tissues on her lap. She took the tissues, one by one, and dabbed it to my cheek and my eyes lightly. After she finished cleaning my messy face, my mom asked,"Do you want to talk about it Annabeth?"

I nodded with slight hesitation. I slowly proceeded to explaining all my problems, starting from two years ago, when Percy cheated on me and when I had felt so hurt that my heart had cracked and I thought it would've been like that forever. And then Justin came and fixed part of my heart. And I also explained when she, my mom, had liked and approved Justin so much that I didn't have the courage to break up with him, despite the strong feelings I still had for Percy. I also told her about what I saw in Percy and Justin's eyes. Broken-hearted and Hope respectively. Just as I finished talking, tears burst out again. I cursed myself in Greek for not being strong. Surprisingly, mom said,"Sometimes, it's okay to cry, let all your feelings out."

I thought to myself, When did my mom become so much like Aphrodite?

Then, mom did something that was the most unexpected event of the day. She kissed me on the forehead, hugged me and said,"Well, Annabeth, you're practically an adult now. You already have your own Architecture company, Athenian Architecture, which I am very proud of and now you can make this decision yourself. So pick who you feel you belong with. Even if you want to be with that sea scum boy."

I took a deep breath and said,"I pick J-

Cliff-Hanger! Haha, don't worry, Part 4 coming soon. Aww, Athena's a good mom! Yay! Will update tomorrow, I swear on the River Styx. See you guys soon and vote, comment and read more! -Lots of Percabeth Feels, Caitlyn

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