Cheater! Part 1.

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Why Percy? (Annabeth's POV)

I'm all alone. What do I do? My life has been shattered into a million pieces. He betrayed me. But his fatal flaw is loyalty.

He fell into Tartarus for me, yet he betray me with some mortal. He gave up immortality just to be with me. But now, I think it was for that stupid mortal, Amanda Bech.

He kissed her for Gods sake! I was just scrolling my Instagram screen when I noticed a picture that was not Architecture. @amandabech posted a picture of her and Percy together. How did I know it was Percy? She freakin tagged @percyjackson on his face! The Hades! My life is officially over. If he doesn't love me, then who does? Here I am, at camp, feeling lost and alone, just sitting in a bathroom, listening to breakup songs by Taylor Swift and writing in this diary and eating ice cream. Suddenly, the door opened and Piper screamed,"Ahh! What are YOU doing here?" I just took out my phone and showed her the picture. Her face calmed and she sat down next to me. She said,"Wanna talk about it?" I shook my head. She pulled my hand and picked up the ice cream. She dragged me to the Big House. I just kept quiet and listened to I Knew You Were Trouble. We arrived there and I sat down on the big Cellini white sofa. Piper put a drachma on a fountain and chanted,"O Iris, goddess of the rainbow, accept my offering. Show me Percy Jackson, Upper East Side, Manhattan."

At that moment, Percy showed up on the screen. I ran away to the opposite sofa. Percy saw Piper and said,"Hey Piper! Why did you call?"

Piper just stayed silent and showed him her phone. Percy immediately said,"I can explain! Annabeth is cheating on me so I tried to move on and she was my friend in kindergarten so now we decided to go to another step." I cheated on him?! ME?!

I ran to the screen and shouted,"I CHEATED ON YOU?! Wasn't it the other way around? I didn't kiss another boy for all the gods' sake! You kissed another girl. On the lips." I burst into tears and they fell down my cheeks, one by one.

Percy, surprised, said,"Annabeth? You look..... Um,.......," I don't care about my looks. I don't care that I hadn't took a shower in a day, I don't care that my eyes were red or that my cheeks still showed dry tears disappearing with the follow of new, wet tears. I was mad. Furious. Anger and Rage. All those filled my heart. Because of him. Because of that traitor, betrayer. He was an antagonist. Wait, he IS an antagonist. Still is. I ran away to the forest, where I could be alone. Forever Alone. Better than him.

Suddenly, I heard a loud honk outside camp. I ran to see who it was. Well well well, isn't it the person I least hoped to see. The traitor. The cheater. The worst of the worst. The devil spoke,"Annabeth! Annabeth! I can explain! I really can!" I burst into more tears and whispered to Chiron : Get him away from me. If he asks where I went, tell him he knows what he did and I never want to meet him anymore. Forever.

With that, I ran and ran, following wherever my feet takes me too. The wind blew into my face and the sun was setting. Somehow, my feet led me to the beach where the waves reflected the light of the golden sun. I jumped into the water. The water was warm, just like Percy used to be. His green eyes that could mesmerize any girl into dating him and his perfectly muscular body which are to die for, I miss him. But he cheated on me. I shook the thoughts out of my head and swam to the end, wherever that was.

Hey guys! Omgods! I haven't updated in like, a billion years! Sorry..... Here is Part 1 btw. Part 2 is gonna come soon. Leave ideas on how you want them to get back together or break up forever or something. Haha just kidding! I would never break them up! I really wanna try to make one crossover between fourtris and percabeth or only fourtris. I have another chapter coming up soon. Bye and thanks for reading! 😘💞

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