Matt Niles Part 1

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This is his video documentary.

Matt Niles


The name's Matt, and I know that all you guys know who I am. If you don't, where have you been living? Under a rock? I have dark brown hair with blue eyes that makes all the girls swoon.

Anyways, we recently found out that the Greek Gods were real and they, and their children, had saved our world (and us) two times. So apparently, we have to worship them. I'm part of what you call the popular gang and to impress the girls, and the other guys too, I told all of them that I was a son of Poseidon, the god of the skies and the King of the gods. (A/N- He's so stupid)

Everyone literally believes it. Well, everyone except Percy Jackson and his stupid gang. All 7 of them are super annoying. They just laughed and whispered to each other.

Right now, I'm walking to the auditorium because the gods are coming. They said that there was some type of big announcement about to be given.
Gotta go now, will update once the announcement is done.


This is so embarrassing, let me tell you my experience. I'm in my room right now so no one can hear me.
This is literally so embarrassing but I'm still going to video this for the sake of my kids in the future to learn from my mistake.
So here's what happened. The 12 Olympians came to visit us, and Zeus said,"We have demigods in this world that helped us save the world, and there seven of them right in this school."
Then the goddess of beauty, Artemis, (A/N-Ugh, such stupidity) spoke and she said,"We want them to be treated as VIP's, and not your equal. They will be treated as kings, and queens, together with the demigods that are sitting behind this curtain. So before the seven heroes step out, let's unveil the curtain."
The curtain unveiled and sitting on small thrones, were 4 teenagers, all around my age, if not, younger, or older by a few years. One was a boy dressed in black from head to toe, and was probably emo. He twisted the skull ring on his finger as he stared down on his black jeans, frowning. Then beside him was a girl, with black, spiky hair and electric blue eyes and she was wearing all black too, except that her shirt had a band name that I forgot the name of. Then next to her was another girl, but she looked more mature and had her hair braided and she was wearing a traditional Roman attire. Then beside that girl-woman, sat the opposite of the first boy. He had a sun-kissed tan and blonde hair, together with a bright full-teeth smile that made him look like Mr. Sunshine.
Then Athena, the goddess of marriage and the Queen of the gods, (A/N- He's so stupid, gods) said,"Here are the warriors that tried their best to help us, but are not part of the Great Prophecy. Here are, from left to right, Nico di Angelo, Thalia Grace, Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arellano, and Will Solace."
The four of them gave small waves except for Mr. Sunshine, who waved both of his hands, and winked at the audience.
Then Posiedon, the King of the gods and the god of the skies, (A/N- I'm so disgusted by my own OC) said,"Now, let's welcome the seven heroes from the second Great Prophecy!"
Even though I wasn't the son of the King of the gods, Poseidon, and I had both of my parents, I was starting to believe that maybe Posiedon was my dad and the dad I had now was my step-dad.
I was about to go to the stage when Apollo, the god of bad haikus, snickered, then said,"Sit down, kid, we're not talking 'bout you, piece of poop."
I blushed and saw smirks and even heard some snickers.
And guess what happened. Apollo continued with a stupid haiku.
Sit down stupid child.
Jackson and gang come here.
I am so cool.
Then Artemis said,"That's not a haiku!"
Apollo just glared at her.
Then Artemis snapped her fingers and Jackson and his gang were down on the big thrones. My reaction was literally this :
WTH?! Jackson and his weird gang are the saviors?

Hey everyone! Here's the story I promised for you guys helping me with my homework! I really don't know if I can finish another part by today, so I don't know when the next part will be, but it will be soon! I'm so sorry for not updating!! 😔 I had exams and my holidays were packed so I had no time to update. This story will probably be a 3-part series, with an Epilogue. The third part won't be in Matt's point of view, but in third, so I hope that's okay. Tell me if you don't want it to be that way. Thanks for all the love and support that you guys have been giving me all this time. Honestly, I thought that my stories would me only read by my school fandom friends, but you guys took the time to read them too! I appreciate all the love you guys have given me and you guys are awesome!
Lots of Percabeth Feels,
WORD COUNT : 915 words

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