Chapter 3 : Scary Child

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By the time Melony woke up, she was in a much better mood. She jumped out of bed and slipped on a tank top with a jean jacket and some shorts. I stood up as well, smiling at her bright attitude. She turns to me and grabs my hand, pulling me outside the room. Sarah was already awake and in the living room of the castle, braiding the hair of a man we had met rather recently, Kaizo. Saiko said she brought him out of the same video game Boopkins brought her out of. He crosses his arms, he didn't look too excited about being styled by a small child. She noticed this and looked at him with her eyebrows furrowed.
"Hey, don't mope. It's only a few bows, it's not the end of the world."
He looked like he wanted to come up with an argument, but sighed. I look at him.
"Is she doing stuff against your will?"
"Your child is scary as shit. When I told her no, she gave me a look that said 'I'll kill you in your sleep'."
"Whatever, kiddo."
"Believe me, once you get to know her, she's an angel. And Sarah, try not to glare at people, okay? That might scare people."
"Okay, I don't wanna be scary."
"But I don't think I was trying to be scary though. I was only looking at him."
"Like, staring at him?"
"Yeah. Like what I did when I first met you. I do it to everyone to decide if I want to be their friend or not."
"I see."
Kaizo looked at Sarah.
"So I'm guessing you wanted to be my friend just by.. looking at me?"
Sarah nodded.
"Well, I'll take that as a compliment."
"What's a comp..Compli.."
"Just basically something nice you say to someone. Like calling someone pretty for example."
"Ohhh, okay."
Sarah eventually finished braiding as much of Kaizo's hair as she could. She smiled at the result. She then grabs some bows and slips them into the braids.
"Alright, done. Wait, is it okay if I put a bow on your horns?"
"The hair is good enough for now, kiddo."
Sarah smiled.
"Now why don't you go play with someone else, I've got stuff to do."
"Okay, uncle Kaizo."
She stands up and waddles away like a baby penguin. Kaizo looks at me with a look that told me he was confused.
"Uncle Kaizo?"
"Yep. Uncle Kaizo."
He sighs and shrugs his shoulders. He stands up.
"Hand me a mirror, I wanna see what the kid did to me."
I look around and point at a bathroom nearby.
"There's a mirror in there. I don't think anyone's in there."
Kaizo walked over to the bathroom a pointed at and stared at himself in the mirror.
"Huh. Not too bad, actually. I think I'm gonna keep this."
"Yeah. I'm not usually the type for styled hair, but this can be an exception."
Kaizo walked out and turned to me.
"Well, like I said, I've got business to do. I may be back in a bit."
He walked out the front door, shutting it behind him.

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