Chapter 13 : Stupidity Brought Us Here

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As we approached the castle, I stop myself.
"When we get inside, can we watch a movie?"
"Of course, Melony. Wanna watch that one with the boy and the magic guitar and missing eye?"
Axol smiles at me and nods. He opens up the door. It's dark and empty. I decide to call out to my friends.
"Guys? You in here? It's safe to come out."
Smg4 poked his head from the trapdoor to the basement and smiled.
"Oh thank god.. Guys, they're back!"
One by one, everyone came out, everyone unscathed. I smile.
"I'm glad yall are safe.."
"We're glad to see you too, Melony!" Tari shouted.
"How, uh, do you feel?" Saiko asked.
"I feel tired.. My bones are aching, but I think I can stand for now."
My head positioned downward, and i started to stare at the floor. Silence filled the room. Everyone looked at each other and then back to me. It felt awkward to the point where my heart began to sink.
"I.. I'm just gonna go to my room.."
I walk upstairs toward my bedroom. It was faint, but I can hear whispers from my friends. As I close the door to my room, I fall to the floor, curling myself into a ball. I pull out the photo from my pocket and stare into it. People talk about remembering the good times when they lose someone they love, but when I do it, it just hurts more. To think that we could've done more as a group. As our Fun Gang. My eyes began to sting as even more tears streamed down my cheeks. I wanted to be alone. And yet being alone hurt even more. The door began to slowly open. I look up to see Axol, he looked around the room until he saw me on the floor. He didn't say much, but he sat down beside me and looked at me. I looked away for a moment.
"Axol.. I feel so bad that you have to see me like this."
"And I feel horrible for you."
He immediately gave me the biggest hug he's ever given me.
"You've went through so much.. It breaks my heart to know the world has corrupted you this much.."
I hug him back. He rubbed my back gently as we embraced each other.
"Melony.. I'm so so sorry.."
"For what?"
"For my damn stupidity.. If I hadn't gone away from the bunker that day, then none of this would've happened.. Everything could've been resolved faster, I could've confessed to you normally, and we could've had a happy marriage.."
"But Axol.. I am happy with our marriage.."
"I am too.. But this trauma, it's going to affect you greatly, and I feel awful.. I mean, fuck, you cut off my arms, you got burnt by Soy, you experienced death, you fought your alternate, and now you fought a dragon.. How can I not feel bad for that..?!"
Axol's voice began to crack. My eyes had begun to widen as his tone began to grow louder.
"Melony, you don't deserve any of that.. You dont deserve to live with this damage that you dealt.."
I didnt know what much to say. I could only let out one word before I ended up bawling.
He looked at me, tears slipping from his cheek.
"What much can we really do about it..? The past is in the past.."
"You are right.. But still.."
I place a hand on his cheek, wiping the tears away.
"Axol, the best thing we can do is to move on somehow.. There has to be a way.."
His lips started to quiver. I opened my arms for a hug, he planted his face onto my shoulder, sobbing. I wrapped my arms around him tightly, I was still crying too.
"Meggy told me sadness is a very valid feeling to feel, especially in these tough times, Axol.. Like I said, the best thing we can do is move on.."
Axol nods. We were quiet for a few moments. I then had an idea.
"Hey Axol. How about we watch a movie to shake our minds away from the subject, eh?"
"That does sound good right about now."
"Can we watch the one with the boy with the eyepatch and the magic guitar?"
"Sounds good to me."
We both helped each other up. Axol laid down in bed and I went ahead to look for the DVD. Once I did, I put it in the player and joined Axol in bed after shutting out the lights.
"Wanted to give this a movie theater like feel."
"Yeah, I like watching movies without lights too."
I slipped into Axol's arms, covering myself with some of the blanket. I have to admit, this did feel nice. I definitely needed a little distraction. Axol was still shakily breathing, I rubbed my stinging eyes.
"Jesus, I haven't cried like that since I was little."
"Yeah. It feels good letting out my feelings. It makes me less stressed."
"I agree. Bottling them up can really hurt your heart."
The movie had begun to play, we started watching intently. Once the credits began to roll, Axol fell asleep. It wasn't long until I too drifted off into a very sweet and peaceful slumber.

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