Chapter 7 : Her True Face

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Sarah looked around as we walked for another few minutes.
"See anything, kiddo?"
"No, not yet."
"Hmm. Why don't we sit down and take a break for a bit, eh?"
I set Sarah down by a tree and sit beside her. We had a moment of quiet for a minute. I've been used to the quiet moments by now.
"So anything you want to talk about? How's school been?"
"People are very mean."
"How come?"
"So many kids are saying mean things about me because of my red eyes."
"I get that, I too was a victim of bullying, you know?"
"I dont talk about it much, but yeah."
"That must've been awful for you.."
"Nah, I was able to get over it quick once I started getting famous."
"How did you get famous?"
"Writing manga. People all over my home town loved the mangas I made."
"Do you still do it?"
"Not really. I retired."
"Artist block for the most part."
I look down at her. "Have you ever thought about what you wanna be when you grow up?"
"I wanna be a nurse. They help people when they're sick and hurt. I wanna be like that."
"That's a good idea. Plus, I hear they get paid really well."
"Yeah. I think, anyway."
Sarah looked up at me. "Have you always wanted to be a manga artist?"
"Yeah, ever since I was a kid. I was that kid who would always draw during class."
"I know a kid who does that. She's really sweet, the only nice kid to me, and my friend."
"That's good that you have a friend."
"Mhm. She even said my red eyes make me look cool!"
"She isn't wrong."
I pat her head, she laughs. Suddenly, I hear a rustle in the bushes ahead. I pull out my Inkweaver and let it grow in my grasp.
"Sarah, stay behind me."
"What is it?"
"I dont know."
It's quiet, until I hear laughter come from the bush. Melony suddenly begins to rise from the green plant, thorns scratching her arms.
"You continue to run, but I foresee you won't get far."
"That's not your mother."
"Now that I think about it, she sounds like the woman in the white cloak.."
Melony's eyes turned to Sarah and she smirks.
"I remember you. You were trying too desperately to protect your little sister. You kept yelling nonsense to me, saying you'll hurt me. But you never did. I saw the fear in your eyes."
Sarah swallows some air. I place a hand on my hip.
"What if she's just hiding her true potential from you?"
"I.. do have to admit, I do sense some form of potential within her, but she doesn't have enough. She's only a child. However, once she reaches at least 12 years old at the estimate, that is when she'll be able to show it."
"Even if that is the case, I'm still here. I've got a weapon."
"But will your willpower be enough to protect your daughter?"
"Lets see about that."
She smirked as her eyes suddenly went completely white. Then, a woman had appeared in front of where Melony had stood. The woman had a big white cloak with black hair tucked underneath the hood. She had really pale skin with one of her irises colored blue and her other white with a dark spiral moving endlessly to the center with her sclera dark like a void. Melony's body collapsed to the floor behind her.
Before I could say another word, her hands were wrapped around my neck.

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