Chapter 12 : Everything's Over

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Two years ago..

I sat near the big apple tree near the castle, where I usually take time by myself. I've been thinking to myself lately, like any human does. I've been thinking about how my friends have really done so so much for me ever since I turned human, especially Axol. I thought that I should do something nice to return the favor. But I'm not sure what. It's gotta be something big, something very very nice. As I think, I see Axol walking toward me with his usual smile.
"I knew I'd find you here."
"Hey Axol!"
I wave at him. He sits down beside me with a sigh.
"What're you doing here?"
"Just came to visit you. Everyone got worried."
"I thought I left a note saying I would be here?"
"Guess they didn't read it."
I look over at the pink sunset, resting my head against Axol's arm.
"I hope this is okay."
"Of course it is. Here."
He moves his arm and wraps it around me.
"So is there anything you wanna talk about while we're alone?"
"One thing."
"What's up?"
"What can I do to return the favor?"
"What do you mean?"
"You guys have done so much for me. I wanna return the favor. How can I do it?"
"You dont have to."
"But I want to."
Axol puts a finger on his chin.
"Sorry, I aint good at this type of thing. Oh hey, the 10 year anniversary thing Four has announced is coming in about a day or two. Why don't you help out with that?"
"Good idea! What'll you be doing?"
"Decoration stuff. Wanna help me do that when that time comes?"
Axol smiles and pats my head with his other hand. "I knew I could count on you."
We sat there for a while, taking in the remaining sunlight that was left before the moon were to pop out behind us. I had begun to feel sleepy. As I fell asleep, I could've sworn I heard Axol say he needed to tell me something. But nothing can be heard. My dreams were pleasant that evening.

Present time...

But none of my nightmares could compare to this. The moon shone brighter than ever before, the wind pushed and shoved, the air grew thicker the higher we were. Good news is that we could tell we were finding Eveline's weak spot. Niles noticed that she seems to scream louder when we hit her neck, so we made the decision to always aim for the neck. The downside to this was that she grew more and more pissed every time, but it was the only way to get the job done. She had finally begun to spoke with her disfigured mouth after some time.
"You two don't seem to know when to give up, dont you?!"
I spoke too.
"And we never will. Even if this fight takes centuries, we will persist."
"I hope you realize that you can never kill me! I am the Mother of Everything!"
"You may think that." Niles began to spoke.
"But you're just like me. A victim to the God Box."
"It granted me such wonderful power, how can I be a fucking victim?!"
I spoke again.
"It lied to you. It wanted to use you for bad."
"Hah! Even if it lied to me, there was no way I'm going to refuse the opportunity to gain control!"
"That's what makes you different from them. You are so blind with pride that you go out of your way to take it out on others."
My body points my sword at her.
"Which is why I've got a backup plan."
Eveline growled and charged at us. Back in my conscience, I turn to Niles.
"Let me try something."
"Are you sure you know what you're doing?"
"Trust me."
I take control for a moment. I then try to channel my power into my sword, causing it to glow a bright red. My body charges right back at her, it felt like I was controlling a really fast go-kart. She seemed to not predict where I was going, for it was rather easy to repeatedly strike at her. She kept trying to grab us, but we were too quick. I began to laugh.
"Woaaah, this is faaast!"
"I know! I'm getting a bit nauseous!"
"Take a break why don't ya! I got this!"
And finally, we struck our final blow, listening to her ear piercing screams as the three of us fall down. As Eveline falls, she returns back to her normal form, except without clothes, her hair covering where it should be covered. I look over at Niles, who's still in his translucent form. I then look at Eveline, who's on her knees, staring at the grass. I crawl to her on my knees as well.
"Hey. Wanna talk?"
She looks at me with a sad frown. Niles looks at us.
"Be careful, Melony."
"I will."
Eveline finally started to speak.
"Maybe you guys are right. I'm so filled with pride, that it got the better of me."
I put a hand on her shoulder.
"It's alright. It happens to the best of us. Can you tell us.. what made you so prideful?"
"Well, when I was created, I wanted to do something big. Something.. bigger than myself, you know. And with this thought in mind, I begged the God Box for power, and it gave it all to me."
"And thats when you gained control of the Box?"
She nods.
"And gave birth to Niles. Well, he was never really much of a baby, but still."
"Heh, I can only imagine what he would look like as a baby."
"He would be so adorable!"
We both laugh. Niles opens his mouth in shock. "Hey!"
Our laughter ceased. I looked into Eveline's eyes, to let her know I'm listening.
"Hey, it's kinda hard to admit, but I was the same way."
"You were?"
"Mhm. When my husband, Axol, was possessed by Niles and Zero, I felt so determined to save him that when he suggested that I should kill him, it just.. broke my heart."
"And you didnt?"
"Nope, cut off his arms."
"God damn."
"Yeah. They grew back though, axolotls can regrow their limbs."
"I didnt know that."
"Me neither until I saw his little nubs as I was cleaning his prosthetics."
Eveline took a look at Niles.
"How did you meet him?"
"No, my boy."
"One of my friends got me and a few other of my friends in detention back at college, and there, I met him. He was a bit of a bully, but he wanted to help me control my Deity powers."
"And did he?"
"Yep, he did an excellent job at it too."
"That's my boy."
Eveline gave a gentle smile. I smiled too, for I was happy to have calmed her down. She then gave a frown.
"I.. I'm so sorry. To the both of you. For everything."
I gave her a hug. "Apology accepted. Just try not to do that again, I'm tired as hell."
Eveline laughs. "I bet. Sorry again." She then looks at Niles, awaiting his response. He smiled too.
"Apology accepted, mother."
Her smile grew wider, she opened her free arm for a hug. Niles crawled over and hugged us both tight. Eveline then pats the both of our heads, despite Niles being a ghost.
"I best get going. I've disturbed you both long enough."
"Thats fine. Goodbye, Eveline."
"Goodbye Melony. And... Goodbye Niles."
Eveline turned into a small golden orb and flew away fast into the moonlight. I smiled at the sight. I looked at Niles, who was also smiling.
He turned to me.
"Thank you. For helping out."
"What kind of friend would I be if I didn't?"
He then stood up.
"I must get going too. Don't wanna keep Zero and Fred waiting."
My smile faded and my eyes widened in surprise.
"B-but why don't you come stay with us?"
Niles frowned in disappointment.
"I thought you knew better than that, Melony. I'm dead. I can never return."
"But you returned this time! You came back!"
"As a ghost. But not in physical form like you."
Beads of tears started to form in my eyes. "But Niles.."
"You'll be fine without me. You and Axol both."
"Nilesss.." I couldn't hold back the crying any more than I already have. I started wailing like a child. He walked over to me and gave me a big hug. It felt.. almost real. Like the real Niles was here, comforting me. It felt nice, but I was still crying nonetheless.
"Even after all I've done, all the lies and manipulation I've done, you still cry for me?"
"You're my friend, Niles... I forgive you.."
Niles's eye widens in surprise as well. Suddenly, I can see a tear stream down his cheek.
"It makes me so happy to know that I'm still your friend..."
"But what about Zero..? Has he forgiven you..?"
"I dont know.. I tried talking to him and Fred when I found them, but they wouldn't speak."
"I see.."
His hug grew tighter. Before he let go, he whispered a few words to me.
"I'm so proud to have been your mentor.."
I smile at the statement. He then let me go and walked toward a bright portal that shone behind him, our hands outstretched toward each other as he left.
"Goodbye, Melony."
My voice was shaky and cracking. "Goodbye Niles..."
He walked through the portal and shut it behind him, leaving me alone in the darkness. I look down, my lips quivering as my sadness arose. Soon I noticed that Niles had tucked something into my pocket before he left. I pulled it out to reveal a picture from our college days. It was a picture of me, Axol and Niles with "Our Fun Gang!" written in red sharpie, along with our names on the bottom.

 It was a picture of me, Axol and Niles with "Our Fun Gang!" written in red sharpie, along with our names on the bottom

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I took this picture of us by the time the three of us became friends. It was so saddening to remember. I tucked the picture back into my pocket, covering my face with my other hand and sobbing. I can hear Axol's voice in the distance, shouting my name.
"Melony! Melony!"
As he approached me, he knelt down and put a hand on my shoulder.
"Are you alright?"
I looked at him. "I think I did it, Axol.. It's finally over.."
"You beat her? Excellent job, Melony!"
He hugged me really tight. I hugged him back, sobbing into his sweater.
"What's the matter?"
"I'm so happy, and yet I can't shake this sadness out of me..."
He quickly realized what happened and hugged me gentler. "Hey, it's gonna be okay.."
"I know.."
After a few seconds, I felt a tear drip onto my shoulder, but it wasn't mine. I looked up and saw that Axol was crying too.
"Why.. why don't we go back home..?"
Axol helped me stand up and we slowly walked back to the castle.

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