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The stars lit up in the night sky of Hawkins, Indiana shinning a dim light on the dirt and rocky road. Stepping onto the leaves below, the smell of the fresh water filled the air as she continued to walk closer to the quarry's edge.

With her eyes closed she walked closer to the edge, her toe just barley crossing the barrier between land and water. As her toes brushed along the coldness of the water, she began walking through the shallow end, the sand and dirt brushing up against the bottom of her feet, making their way to her ankles.

She continued to walk into the quarry, the water making it's way past her ankles, past her shins, and now up to her ankles, brushing up against her silk night dress. She walked a bit out this time, with her hands out against the surface of the water and she reached down, grabbing what felt to be a coat.

She clenched her fists around the coat and pulled upwards and began walking back to shore, her eyes still closed. As she walked back to the shore, she tripped over a rock, causing her to trip and fall into the water, her entire body getting wet, including her hair. Her eyes shot open and she let out a blood curdling -

Emmy looked around as she was standing in the middle of the woods, her damp hair stuck to her forehead as her nightgown was sticking to her body, exposing her in all the ways she didn't want to be exposed. She wrapped her arms instinctively around her body and she looked down, seeing her muddied feet. She couldn't explain what happened, she swore that some part of her knew deep down that it really wasn't Will Byers. The body felt different than what she thought it would be.

The sound of sirens walling brought Emmy back from her train of thought and she tried to run out of the woods, but she couldn't really tell where she was. She had never been through these parts before and she was starting to get scared. She breathed in deep, trying to calm down her nerves. She began walking her way to what she assumed was a road. 

Underneath her, she could feel the twigs and rocks she stepped on, causing her to wince every now and then. In the distance, the light from a car made Emmy squint and the car slowed down and Emmy made eye contact with Jonathan Byers who raised an eyebrow looking at him

"D-do you need a ride?" He asked and Emmy nodded and she rushed to his car, hoping to get out of the cold. After she sat in his passenger's seat he saw that Emmy was shivering and he put the heat on full blast.

"Are you okay?" He asked and Emmy furrowed her eyebrows inwards at that question.

"I-I don't know. I don't know how I got out here." She said and Jonathan looked over at her and she spoke softly.

"I think I slept and walked out here. I don't know why." She said and Jonathan turned towards her and gripped his steering wheel.

"Like sleep walking?" He asked and Emmy nodded and he spoke.

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