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 Four hours later, Joyce, Hopper, and Tommy returned with Henry and his friends. Henry's gaze landed on Emmy, who stood still in the sweatsuit Jonathan let her borrow and he introduced her to his friends.

"This is my sister, Emmy. Emmy, this is Will, Lucas, Dustin, and El." He said, pointing to each of them and Emmy nodded looking at them and Dustin, who wore his hat spoke.

"You're gorgeous." He said, gazing into Emmy's eyes and Henry nudged him in the side.

"Ow!" Dustin exclaimed and Henry looked at him and spoke. "That's my sister, dude." He said and then the front door opened and Jonathan walked through with Nancy Wheeler. 

"Okay, gather around, we gotta brief everyone." Tommy said and everyone gathered into the living room, watching as the kids sat down and Dustin started explaining things.

"Okay, so the gate to the Upside Down has a strong electromagentic field, and that can change the directions of a compass needle."

"The Upside Down?" Emmy asked confused and Mike nodded and spoke

"It's like our world but different. It's like another place that looks exactly like this one but creatures are there, creatures like the Demogorgan." He said and Tommy raised an eyebrow and spoke.

"Like from that game?" He asked looking at Henry and he nodded and spoke

"Well, the compass theory makes sense because compasses rely on the magnetic fields of the Earth." Emmy said causing Dustin to nod in agreement and Jonathan spoke, looking at Emmy.

"But if Emmy wasn't there when we saw that thing, how does she know what she's looking for?" He asked and Tommy spoke, his gaze falling on the teen.

"Because Emmy's seen it before. She was the one that pulled up the fake body from the quarry." 

"Cool." Dustin said in awe, causing Henry to gag and Nancy spoke, causing Emmy to really get a look at her.

Her hair was pinned back in a twist and her clothes fit her almost perfectly. It was almsot as if Nancy didn't belong with this crowd.

"Could you find Barbara too?" Nancy asked, an eyebrow raised towards Eleven and she nodded.

"Okay, wait, how are we supposed to get to this...Upside Down if those Demogorgans are there?" Emmy asked, placing her hands on her hips and Mike spoke.

"Through a tear in the fabric of space and time. That's where El comes in." He said and Emmy nodded and she spoke.

"I gotta get home to get dressed, Dad." Emmy said and Tommy nodded and Joyce spoke, watching the brunnette stand.

"Emmy, I should have some clothes that could fit you." She said and Emmy nodded and followed Joyce as she walked into her room. After Joyce left, Emmy sorted through the clothes when a knock came from the door, causing Emmy to turn, seeing Nancy standing before her.

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