Chapter 1

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"Did you hear about this years Kissed or Dismissed"? " Dasha asked
" the entire basketball team is playing and some of them are asking their crushes" she squealed
Dash is my best friend who currently has a crush on point guard Ivan Tendigan. She thinks I don't know but they've been texting back and forth.
" You think you'll be recruited" I smirked and turned her applying her lipgloss and fluffing her hair. She only primps  when he's nearby
"I'm hoping to be cause I can't be the only cheerleader who doesn't get kissed" she states
"You won't be girl" I laugh
"Oh please " she huffs "guys always approach you especially the team and you brutally massacre them" she retorts in frustration " I'll be lucky if I get a glance" she remarks
Dasha is a very beautiful girl . She's 5'3 with long black curly that cascades down her back. She never wears it down so it's mostly up in a messy bun. Her glowing skin makes her light brown eyes pop. Her plump pink lips are always in a pursed pout. She has the curves a boy dreams of holding. She has thicker thighs than most girls but she's also been cheering and doing gymnastics since she was 5. She often doesn't realize how amazing she is but that's what she has me and the girls for.
"Psssh tell it to someone buying your bull" I snort " you just want Ivan to kiss you" I laughed as her cheeks turn read and she whisks off to do her final bathroom check before first period AP History. I finish grabbing my books and text my mom reminding her to pick me up after practice. She'll probably be late again. I make my way to class just as the bell rings.
Right as the teacher walks in and begins pulling up the PowerPoint lesson I hear a loud shriek of excitement
I turned towards the commotion as all the girls gather around Rebecca Wellers desk. "Yss Steve I accept your kiss " she smiles and pulls out a "kiss" to give him. They share a brief hug and return to their seats. And now here comes the mindless chatter from the desperate—I mean devoted girls that love the game.
"Alright class now let's get started with todays lesson on the civil war and how it affected the US" he exclaimed.
I read ahead and did the work for todays lesson arleady so I pull out my current read of the week hoping to get lost in a summer romance until class is over. Just then I hear my phone buzz and I discreetly pull it out. Dash sent me a emergency 911 message "heads up bishhh you're getting kissed"! I text back questions marks and tell her we'll talk after class. 5 minutes later the bell rings and I booked it to my locker. "Alright spill" I tell her.
"Let me catch my breath first you know I have asthma" she huffs
"Nope you opened this can of worms so get to diggin" I state with annoyance.
She grabs her water bottle and begins to drink. "Okay so apparently Lisa overheard Matt and his friends talking about how he was gonna offer you a kiss" she reveals while darting her eyes around making sure we aren't being overheard

"Okkayyy keep going" I roll my eyes in frustration.
"Well ya know Matt's cousin Cole the transfer student from New York he told Matt that he would have to join tje 5 others wanting to kiss you" she squeals and checks to make sure nobody is listening
"Andd that's it"? I inquire
"Nope not at all" she smirks
"Let's just say the captains of the football basketball and baseball team are planning on giving you their kiss" she remarks
"And that includes Haston and you know he never gives a kiss to any girl except Icky Vicky"she laughs
"Get ready girl cause they're all coming after you I'd be so happy if it was me" she sighs her mind drifting to dreamland.
"Well good thing it's not or we'd all be on a clinic of syrupy marshmallows and gumdrops" I reply shockingly sweet.
"I'll meet you For 3rd period Financial Literacy " I call over my shoulder heading out the front door
"Kay I'll text you" she replies and heads to her 2nd period dance class .
I sign myself out for free period and head to the coffee shop across the street. I reach the counter and order a venti salted caramel mocha with whip cream and sprinkles along with a iced blueberry lemon muffin. I pay for my order and settle down into the back corner with my book. It's my favorite place to come when I'm all caught up on school and need to do some thinking. I've done good to keep the attention off of me. I've turned down the guys and avoided anything more than friendly feelings. I pull out my phone and scroll to his Instagram. He's posted a new photo. It's the place where we first met. He captions the post "no matter where you are you'll always be mine" with red broken hearts underneath it. I feel my eyes burn with unshed tears as I try to sip my coffee. The taste turns bitter in my mouth as I think about what this means. With that many guys I'll have to accept someone kiss or face humiliation.
I feel the color drain from my face here we go again my mind races back to that night that forever changed
My life. The night I still
Find posts about on Instagram. The night my heart wa shattered and I was humiliated by the person I loved the most.i won't go back to being that girl again looks like I'll have to make somebody cry. There is no way on this Green Earth that I will accept that kiss!!!! Kiss my ass instead.
I sip my mocha and look out the window at my school. With a sigh I start giggling. They think this is how the game is played? Nah I'll show them what happens when you don't wanna be kissed. I smirk to myself and formulate my plan.

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