Chapter 10:

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I was filled with a sense of dread. My hands started sweating; my heart was racing. My legs were jittery I could hardly walk down the stairs. Coming face to face with them after what happened isn't gonna be as easy as I had hoped. As I make it to the last step I head into the living room and there they are. Smiling laughing and carrying on like they didn't rip my heart out. I've got the urge to knock them both out with mom's glass vase I'm standing next to. I don't have the strength to enter the living room just yet. I'm listening to their conversation as my parents are laughing with them. Except for mom who is texting on her phone appearing bored and uninterested in the conversation. " Well we all should really get together and head down to the beach one weekend" My Dad says " Perfect, we can all stay at the family beach house" a voice i know to be Paisley's mom Dinha replies. " I'd rather stay at the Motel 8 the next town over" My mom grumbles. " Why would you do that" Dinha laughs. " Well it has a much better view and no bloodsucking leeches" Mom chirps. I hold back a snort. Good One Mom!

"Now Honey let's try and be civil" My dad coos. " But darling I am being civil... if you weren't so thirsty to be a success to appease some childhood healing fantasy you'd be more understanding" Mom batted her eyes innocently. Dad closed his mouth and i decided to walk in right at this moment.

" Ah Mae it's so lovely to see you" Ty's father Greg smiled. I noticed that Beth wasn't with them and of course Kenzie wouldn't be. Brandon and his fiancé were MIA too. " Nice to see you again Mr. Vaneheusen" I SAID THROUGH GRITTED TEETH. I looked over at Ty and Paisley. They looked the same. Ty looked nervous and Paisley looked smug. She grabbed Ty's hand when she noticed I was looking. "Ty I can't say its a pleasure" I grinned. " And Paisley.... your legs are actually closed in a skirt" I gasped. Ty put his head down and chuckled and Paisley's ears turned bright red. " Mae we aren't here to cause trouble" Ty whispered. " We are here because of Brandon and we need the help" He pleaded. " Well we don't need any charity.. we are doing better than ever" Paisley flipped her hair. Ty snatched his hand away from her and angrily stormed out the front door. " Ty's had some trouble adjusting to the recent changes" Greg spoke. " I'll go talk to him" He said going out the door behind Ty. " Well Paisley if you don't need our help why did you have to come here" I questioned. " Couldn't your family have afforded to stay behind" I gave her a blank stare. She said nothing as she glared at me with a chilling hatred.

I've done nothing but be nice and kind and accommodating to this girl. I've had enough!!. "It's been real but I've got somewhere to be" I say heading out the door. " Wait Mae take Paisley with you....she's gonna be starting school Monday and she doesn't know anyone it'll be good for you two to catch up" My dad beams. " Sure C'mon Paisley" I forced through a fake smile. " Thanks" she says getting up to following me with an equally fake killawat smile.

" Just so you know Ty is still mine" She says while I'm driving to meet my friends. I have not told them she will be joining us. Dash will go crazy. I keep my mouth shut and she drones on about how popular they're gonna be as a couple. Guess she'll get the memo on Monday. But one thing is Paisley is not the type to back down. She gets what she wants by any means necessary. I should know.

We arrive at the mall. " By the end of today your friends with be mine" Paisley laughs. " They'll all know what a pathetic loser you're a nobody...a nothing....and soon I'll make sure the whole school knows it" She says attempting to twist her hips. " Sure I'll make sure everyone knows where the smell of fish is coming from..all this time and you still haven't gone to the clinic" I smirk before taking the lead to meet the girls.

We arrive outside of the food court. I see the girls sitting down and sipping coffees. I walk up to the table and they all squeal. " Mae" they each say at the same time. We do a group hug and sit down to chat. " Aren't you gonna introduce me.... it's just like you to have no class" she rolled her eyes. " And it's just like you to have no ass" I retorted. Dasha burst out laughing and Shay snickered. " Whatever" She grumbled. She walked up to Dasha. " Hi I'm Paisley I just moved here I can already tell that we're gonna get along great" She smiled brightly. Dasha stared at her like she'd grown six heads. " It's nice to finally meet the infamous Paisley" She remarked.

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