debriefing the U.S. military.

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Dominus was in the hanger were he remains in his Alt-mode, waiting for the signal to transform and speak with the general without showing his faceplate to the human soldier on the other end of the comms. Y/n was walking into the hanger with Ebbs and Agent Galloway, who was the primes watchful eye. Y/n and Ebbs didn't like Galloway very much because they knew that he would treat Dominus badly as if he was a decepticon. Luckily, y/n was the one that actually found Dominus in a junk yard rusting in peace back in 1992. Nine years later, y/n and their team was sent ti investigate a strange energy radiation at a local junk yard in Texas, only to stumble upon the last prime. After they extracted the truck and took back to the military base of the coast Diego Garcia, Dominus was reactivated upon y/n repairing the Prime's system's and decided to keep him as their.......truck. Of course the Government found out as to what y/n had discovered and they decided to have Dominus join the military as the very first alien to take residence on earth. Despite the prime being older, he was still considered a teenager back on where he was from, Cybertron. Y/n was just showing Dominus the ropes of the military until the president of the U.S. assigned Galloway to keep watch over the giant alien robot, and y/n knew that Galloway was a possible threat. "I am here with our first alien resident general" Lennox said as he stood on the platform that matches Dominus height, roughly speaking that the young prime is 29ft tall in height. The general on the screen nodded as he said proceed. That was Dominus's que as y/n, Galloway, and Ebbs watch Dominus transform.

Once he was done changing form, Dominus slowly turned around and looked down to see his parent figure looking up at him.

"Hello y/n, or do you prefer father/mom?" his deep baritone voice sounded genuine despite him being young as he looked at his adoptive parent

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"Hello y/n, or do you prefer father/mom?" his deep baritone voice sounded genuine despite him being young as he looked at his adoptive parent. His memories were still hazy but he will remember who his parents truly are at some point of is life.

[Yes, he doesn't have a mouth, just a faceplate that moves]

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