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Every birthday Belly has ever had has been here in the house. it's pretty much been the same— laurel makes her mickey mouse pancakes, we all give her our gifts, and it was the only day the boys had to include her in everything


we're all sitting in the kitchen when belly comes down the stairs with a big grin on her face. " happy birthday bels "I smile going in to give her a hug when she stops me. " thank you! " she smiles awkwardly giving me a high five?

who even gives high fives anymore?? that was weird? I thought everything was great between us— I mean I don't have these hickeys on my neck for no reason

" Your Mickey Mouse pancakes are ready. " laurel smiles " Actually, I'm not really hungry " belly expresses " Shall we open gifts? " mom asks " Oh, you're going to love mine. " Jeremiah smiles


Laurel was up first, she gave her a first edition of e.e cummings poem book. My mom gave her a family heirloom pearl necklace— Jeremiah was next and he gave her a good-luck charm so that it would quote on quote " help you pass your driving test "

Steven was next and he had given her a Princeton sweatshirt— I was next and I had gotten her and I letter necklaces— she wears the A and I wear the B. I thought it would be something cute and important to represent our relationship

last was Conrad— he claims he forgot it was her birthday. I could see that it hurt belly. after a little bit, we left to go pick up belly's best friend from home

Belly was driving while I sat in the passenger seat and Jeremiah in the back. " you excited to see Taylor? " Jeremiah smiles— he's had the biggest crush on Taylor since we were kids

" Yeah, Of course. so excited " belly grimace " you don't sound very excited "I laughed at her face— " Look, she's my best friend in the world, but, I mean you know how Taylor is, she's like a hurricane " belly looks at me

"I always feel like the supporting character around her, which, normally, I don't mind " she confesses " but it's your birthday! "I smile " and you're the main character, belly, not her. " Jeremiah continues

" Yeah! remember when Jeremiah had the biggest crush on her? "I laughed " YES! and she would always call him Jeremy? " belly laughed as Jeremiah shakes his head


" Twenty bucks she calls you " Jeremy " again " belly challenges, " I think she learned from last time " Jeremiah smiles " Yeah sure! that's how she flirts with you "I fake gag " Here she comes " belly smiles

We see Taylor get off the bus with a bunch of balloons and gifts " Happy Birthday " she smiles giving belly a hug " Thank you " belly smiles

" Belly, you little tart, " Taylor says " what? " she questions " you finally took my advice. This outfit is snatched " Taylor blabbers " Isn't belly looking like a snack Lora? " She continued finally acknowledging my presence

" Yeah, she looks amazing as always "I blush looking at belly " thanks " belly blushes " Here, let me get your bag. " Jeremiah offers " Thank you. You're such a gentleman, Jeremy " Taylor says " Of course " Jeremiah takes a bow

" It's Jeremiah, not Jeremy. " belly glances toward Taylor " I like " Jeremy " better " Taylor smiles "all right, all right, can we head home? "I ask " Ooh, actually, can we make a stop first? " Taylor and belly smiled


"I would literally eat this every day if I could " Taylor rants sharing a banana split with belly " Okay, Open your present, " Taylor says handing belly a bag— it was a two-piece purple swimming suit, "I think it'll look so hot on you. " Taylor smiles

" Do you like it? " Taylor asked " Okay, Belly would never. wear that " Jeremiah laughed " Actually, I really like it " belly smiles " You're welcome " Taylor smirks

" Okay, so, what's the plan for tonight? Where's the party? " Taylor asked " My mom always plans a big lobster dinner, "I say excited for tonight " Boring. No. " Taylor nagged "It's your 16th birthday. We have to go out " she continues

" No, no, no. These dinners are really, really fun and Susannah had the idea to make it midsommar themed, so she got flower crowns especially made for us and everything. " belly tried to convince Taylor

" Don't you think you should be spending your birthday with people your own age? " Taylor questioned " I am. You're here and Lora's here " belly responds " Hello? Am I invisible? " Jeremiah jokes

" And I guess steven— " Taylor says back " And Cam's coming, too " belly smiles " Yay, I'm so excited to meet the guy who finally got you to take your eyes off of you-know-who " Taylor laughs looking towards me

" Taylor " Belly glares at her " What? " She says clueless " I have an idea— we can go to Nicole's big blowout at her place tonight. Maybe go after dinner? " Jeremiah suggested " Yes. Who's Nicole? " Taylor asked

" She my big sister for the deb ball— She's super nice and just really cool and fun and " Belly gushes " Ugh, I'm, like, melting right now— Can we go back to the house? " Taylor interrupted "I want to change into my bikini and jump in the pool. " She smiles

" Finally, Let's go, " I say walking to the car


my thoughts - i'm back! i was busy with family so i couldn't write but i'm good now! THANK YALL FOR 1.44K READS!! i really appreciate all the love you guys are showing my book! new part will be out soon! don't forget to vote and comment! <33

( EDITING ) LOVE LETTER | belly conklinWhere stories live. Discover now