Two Pawns From A Once Abandoned Kingdom

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Royal!Oliver + Royal!Moody (not shipping)
Royal!Moody and Royal!Macaque are owned by moodyenderin on insta. Royal!Sun Wukong and the Royal AU are owned by peonytears08 on insta. Royal!Oliver is owned by me (binn.mir) on insta.


Shined and polished metals gently hit against each other with every step. A quiet panting rang in a small radius from where it came. Wounded, a loyal warrior trudged her way through a snowy, darkened forest in the dead of the night. She stained green blades of grass and the pure, white snow red with each pace. Blood. It dripped from the knight's side which she held tight. Snowflakes kissed her nose and cheeks as a warm mist escaped her lips.

This trip had not gone to plan. The goal was simple. Escort a messenger to the kingdom of the dragons. Typically, a messenger wouldn't need an escort, yet when said messenger holds scrolls of peace treaties. Well - let's just say that their importance grows rapidly. An ambush was expected, yet Moody had not anticipated one of that size. She knew her strength, but apparently so did many others.

Moody had no idea where they were, only that they had to keep going until they found a sign of sentient life. She did her best to not give up on hope, and luckily that took them somewhere. In the middle of this forest called nowhere, there lay a small one story cottage with a tall, thin tower attached to it.

And as if the knight's luck couldn't get any better, it had. A gentle flicker of a light shined brightly in a window of the tower. Moody called out for help, hoping to receive a welcoming answer. As their vision began to blur and their mind grow hazy, the last thing they could see was a shadow. A moving shadow in the window. Or were there two shadows..? It began to look like four. The knight had gone limp, their body dropping to the ground, the snow cushioning their fall. They prayed now.

They prayed to wake.


The moon stood brightly in the sky of stars, a chilled breeze was pushed through the night air. Two figures sat in a tower, each enjoying a cup of fine herbal tea. A concealed king; The Six-Eared Macaque. And a placid sorcerer; Oliver August. Not exactly the most common pairing, yet a peaceful one indeed. With soft chats of how their days had gone, a fire crackled in its little home. All was tranquil despite the hours being far past midnight.

Oliver smiled at the king's words. He spoke with his voice scratchy and broken sounding, "I'd be delighted to join you, Macaque. But wouldn't it be a bit odd?" The moon king tilted his head curiously. "Odd? Who cares? It is my preference as to who I take to this masquerade. And I chose you."

This made the jackalope flush ever so slightly, it was too kind of Macaque. "I have no extreme formal attire though." "But I do. And I have something that I believe would fit you just perf-"

He paused, hearing a noise come outside. And just then, all ears had their attentions shifted from the person in front of them to the thud. Oliver stood first and grabbed his winter cloak. "August, wait-" Macaque began, but the jackalope had already started to leave the building. With a sigh of slight irritation, the king had grabbed his coat and followed the one he adored.

Upon arrival, the two were initially shocked to even see a body of sorts in these areas. It was rare for a wanderer to find the sorcerer's tower, but far rarer to find a knight. With further inspection, Macaque had noticed a key detail which lay on the knight's tattered and stained shawl. "August." He raised an arm, signalling for the sorcerer to stay back. Oliver looked towards the royal, confusion laced within their eyes. "What are you doing..? I need to help them.." A breeze pushed loose bits of snow over the figures' unconscious body.

"This is a knight!" Macaque pushed. Oliver just waited impatiently, his foot tapping against the ground. "And?" "And this is a knight from Sun Spiral."

"Right now. This is my patient, and my patient needs help, Macaque... With all due respect, just let me help them." The jackalope pushed, as if begging his superior to let him save this life. Despite everything that told the macaque no, he felt his heart grow weak to the plea and he stepped aside. With a sigh, Macaque muttered the go ahead. Oliver lit up, gently cupping the kings' cheek before kneeling down to assist the injured soldier. A flush ran through the monkeys' face as he watched the jackalope inspect the lion's wounds.

"Send a summons for King Wukong..."


It had been so cold for what felt like centuries on end, yet a warmth had begun to awaken the sleeping warrior. With a still blurred vision, the lion listened closely to their surroundings. There was a fire crackling softly nearby, two muffled voices murmuring to each other, a winter wind that blew against the window. Had they been saved? Wait - no. Stupid question. A better one; where were they? Moody attempted to blink herself back into reality.

"You're awake." A deep voice spoke, it sounded awfully familiar. Cold hands helped them sit up in the rather comfortable bed, Moody rubbed their eyes to see. "I don't.." A gasp escaped their lips when they saw who stood before them. "Lord Macaque..!" Moody reached for their sword and felt a wave of panic when noticing it was not on their body.

"Your sword is on the table. You were injured. I healed you." A scratched voice spoke quietly. The lion inspected where their wound was only to find it closed and slowly healing. Moody looked towards the voice and just as they were going to speak, all that could come out was a gasp. "You.." "Me?" "You! I know you!" Oliver's expression shifted, uneasiness and confusion taking over. That was absurd. How could this random knight, from Sun Spiral nonetheless, know them? He looked at Macaque, searching his face for an answer, but the royal held none. Of course he wouldn't have known.

The jackalope rubbed his neck and let out an awkward chuckle. "I'm sorry, but I don't think we've met before.. My name is-" "August. Oliver August. I told you I know you. Don't you remember me..?" There was silence. Macaque had shifted and rested a hand on Oliver's shoulder, letting him know that he thought he should excuse himself. A small nod was all that the royal needed before he left. Unfortunately, he didn't take the silence with him. It lasted longer. Soon, it grew tense.

"I'm sorry - I don't remember-"

"I'm sorry - I know you probably-"

The two chuckled slightly at the fact that they both unintentionally interrupted each other. Oliver took a seat on a nearby chair, sighing. Seeing the opportunity, Moody spoke up. "You were Baigujing's apprentice, she gifted you your voice." A memory began to tickle its way to the sorcerer. He could hear the faint voice of his foster mother whispering in his ear, whispering his name and telling him the sweet lullabies she knew he loved. It was nostalgic. In some sense, he missed her, yet he couldn't remember what happened to her. As if the memories were locked away from his mind.

Oliver hesitated before speaking, "I think.. I remember you..." Moody lit up slightly. "You're Rosaya.. Molly..? Was it..?" She chuckled at the slight error, "Moody. But yes! You remember..!" "Very slightly, but yes..." The jackalope shrugged, yet had a seemingly anxious smile on his face. As time flew by, the two shared what memories they had, enjoying the past for the first time in years. From flashbacks of their days of training to their favourite hiding spots, everything was coming back to them.

Loud shouting interrupted their enjoyable time, and with curious ears, Oliver opened the window to see two certain kings tossing and tumbling around in the snow. Moody couldn't help but let out a laugh. "Lord Wukong!" Smirks were on their faces as both had watched the two monkeys freeze mid-battle. "Moody!" Wukong kicked Macaque off of him and lept up onto the roof to grab the windowsill that they were at. "You're okay! This grump made it sound like you died.. I was worried, what the hell happened?!" Oliver could see the moon royal frown, he smiled at Macaque in sympathy. The king smiled back after sighing, glad to have someone that was understanding. Moody looked at their king lovingly, she could feel a butterfly or two poke around at her stomach. "It's a long story, my lord. Come in for some tea and we can discuss it."


For the remaining hours of the day, banters and laughs were shared around the four. It was difficult at times to keep the kings from murdering the other, but with a little bit of alternative convincing - they had settled down. The tower held scents of peaches and mangoes, as well as burning firewood. As two kings held their asleep ones, the King of the Sun took his leave with his beloved knight. The King of the Moon had tucked in his sorcerer before resting himself on the plush couch and whispered his goodnights before falling into a slumber himself.


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