A Close Warmth

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Olive x Macaque
Olive and the art above is owned by me (oakmir on insta).
Olive is an isekai character. Macaque is the character owned by the creators of Lego Monkie Kid.

Chatter between a number of families echoed in Olive's covered ears. Sure it bothered them, but she knew that she had to get accustomed to the louder city if she wanted more books from the Megapolis stores. She had finished reading the scrolls from Flower Fruit Mountain and had finally gotten a hang of the glamour technique, so why not reward herself? It was thrilling. Wukong had constantly told her that she shouldn't go alone into the city, but who would notice her gone? The Monkie Kid was keeping him busy, so it was a perfect opportunity!

There were stores with brands that Olive had never heard of. Ranging from shoes to clothes, food to technology, there was a store for everything! Olive carefully maneuvered her way through the crowds of people, trying to find the nearest book store. She was, honestly, really proud of herself! They had managed to keep up their glamour the entire time, despite bumping into one or two people. What mattered to her was that she managed to keep it up for so long. She didn't like it much, but it made sense as to why there were so many more people out. It was a warm day, sunny and shiny. It was sure to attract a large number of people over a cold and snowy day.

After what felt like an hour of walking, there it was. The bookstore. Olive started to get a bit giddy. They remember a bookstore in their past home, but never something as big as this. They could only imagine the possibilities of books that would be inside. All she knew was that the second she entered, she would never want to leave. She stepped inside and instantly was hit by a chilly breeze. The chill nearly threw her off her rhythm of keeping up her glamour, but they managed to catch themself just in time. Olive walked around the store, browsing through stacks of books. She loved every moment of being in the store, it was far better than being cooped up on the mountain.

With a quiet hum, Olive continued to scroll through the books with glee, not knowing the eyes that followed her. She felt lost in her own little world, where the only things that existed were herself, the bookstore, and any music of her choice. Upon a higher shelf rested a certain novel that attracted her attention. Pushing herself up onto her tiptoes, Olive struggled to reach the book. They were close to reaching it when they started to see a tanned hand reach above hers and take the novel off its shelf. She gasped and stumbled back into a warmth. A scruffed, familiar face leaned over their shoulder and held the book in front of their face. "You-"

"I have a name, y'know? Or did he keep that from you too~?" Olive flushed at the proximity before she stepped away. "Macaque." That gained a chuckle from him. "The one and only~." He seemed to be using his glamour, as well, as there was a noticeable lack of his markings, fur, and tail. Olive felt a bit uneasy, Wukong always told her to keep her distance from him. But now look at them. Macaque smirked and used their unease to his advantage. "Ah, right right.. The *King* said I'm dangerous. I'm evil, a killer. I'm spooky~. He told you to stay away, didn't he?" The shorter immortal took note of the venom in taller's rich voice. To her, his voice was like whiskey.

Olive stayed quiet and gave a small nod in response. She knew better than to respond. Macaque was a master of words, able to manipulate even the Monkie Kid. Who knew what he'd be able to put in her head. "Of course he did." Macaque stood upright and hummed. "Well, I won't stop you. Though you do seem like you could use some company, hm~?" Just like before, he was answered with silence. Olive turned away from Macaque and sped off into another aisle. He, of course, followed.

She did her best to ignore him, but it was rather difficult to do so when he was constantly leaning over her shoulder. Her face was continuously warm, she hated it. To make it worse, not only was her face affected, but she could feel her stomach twisting and turning, jumping all over the place. Olive refused to acknowledge the feeling as butterflies. It was tough to pay attention to the books in front of her when *The Six Eared Macaque* loomed over her. She felt him reading the book's summary with her, but it was hard to read all the words when she could only focus on the man behind her.

How his breath just nearly touched her cheek. How his chest barely skimmed her back whenever he would take an inhale. Her heart was beating so fast, she feared it would fly out of her chest. She was livid and for all the wrong reasons. It got to the point that she felt like she was about to lose her glamour effects. Her mind was scrambled and messed, unable to think straight anymore.

The shorter immortal took a deep inhale before quickly turning to the taller. He watched her struggle to formulate the right words, but he waited nonetheless. "Macaque.." Olive said, just barely above a whisper. To most, this would be incredibly difficult to hear, but she knew that Macaque was good at that. The hearing bit. From the past to the future, he could hear it all. She knew that much. "Why aren't you trying to fight me like how you would with Wukong..?" That was a question he anticipated to hear at some point.

Macaque paused to think about his answer. "Well.. You aren't Sun Wukong now, are you?" Olive shook her head in response. "Exactly and because of that, I have no reason to fight you, really. Unless, of course, you wrong me too." Macaque watched her movements carefully, he enjoyed the teasing, but he knew to keep himself at a distance. After all, who knows what trinkets and gadgets Wukong could've given her.

Olive nodded and looked down slightly to process what he said. "Well, I should probably head out now, huh~? Can't be around for too long or else the *King* might find out~.." Olive took yet another note of how he addressed Wukong with venom and malice. Just like before. Though despite all of it, she still fell a bit flustered at his tone of voice. "In my opinion, maybe don't tell him about our little rendezvous, yeah~? I heard he can be just the slightest bit overprotective." She couldn't help but let out a slight chuckle in response to his comment. It was true. Wukong, when it came to his family and friends, was extremely protective. Either way, if she did tell him about going out alone, he'd have her head. But if she told him about Macaque, then who knows what he'd do. "I don't plan on it. I'm not exactly ready for another earful from him." She said, eyes locked onto Macaque.

Regardless of her appearing more calm when talking to him, Macaque took it upon himself to give her one piece of advice before leaving. "You should really learn to control your heartbeat, y'know?" He took a couple steps towards her and leaned close, smirking. "It makes it very easy to tell when you're lying or nervous. Especially to someone like me~.." Macaque intentionally spoke with a lower tone of voice, watching her shudder slightly under him. Both of them were aware that she knew what he was really trying to do. In fact, he almost preferred it that way. There was a close warmth between them. It was something that felt almost enjoyable for the both of them. His eyes darted around their face, almost admiring their features, but quickly flickered away as he stepped back.

He enjoyed how easily flustered she became, but decided to "spare" her for now. "Well, I guess I'll be seeing more of you soon, hm~?" Those were the final words Olive heard before watching him sink into a purple pool of shadows beneath him. Her heart was racing just like earlier and her face grew warm. This wasn't how she planned her day to go. So much so that Olive had just dropped everything and began to make her way home. Oddly enough, they couldn't help but smile and get giddy from the events of today. It was definitely an experience.

A uniquely warm one, at that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2023 ⏰

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