The Attack

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"What are we supposed to do?" Rex asked as he peered worriedly at the chaos brewing below him. The entire Jedi Temple had been attacked, and Grevious had his hands back on another segway.

"What do you think? Let's stop these losers!" Anakin activated his lightsaber and jumped nearly thirty feet to the ground.

"Huh. I'm surprised he actually stuck that landing this time," Ahsoka remarked. Last time, he landed flat on his face, which was quite hilarious. "But Skyguy is right. Whatever is going on here, we have to stop it!"

"Get to the chancellor first! Grevious is trying to kidnap him!" Obi-Wan ordered out.

The 501st, alongside Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka, ran into battle, ready to do whatever they had to save their home. Many other Jedi- Shaak Ti, Aayla Secura, Mace Windu, and even Yoda were already there, fighting off Separatist forces.

"Hey! Eth! Some help over here, if you wouldn't mind!" Saesee Tiin yelled over to Eth Koth.

"Sorry! I accidently spilled spaghetti in my shoe! You of all people should know how hard it is to fight like that!" Eth struggled to get a spaghetti noodle out of his shoe as Saesee Tiin sighed to himself.

"Hey guys! Watch me do a belly flop onto this droid!" Vos yelled to the Jedi nearby. Most of them were too busy fighting to notice. And besides, they were used to Vos's shenanigans by now.

"I'll video it for holotube," Ventress remarked, holding a camera. "Since you're here, can't you at least help us?" Obi-Wan yelled over to her. Ventress rolled her eyes.

"It's your Jedi Temple, you defend it!"

"This isn't good!" Aayla Secura said. "Bly just reported in that the Eastern sector of the Temple's been captured. And that someone spilled nachos all over the kitchen!"

"Wasn't me, I swear!" Adi Gallia yelled. "What's even going on?"

"The usual craziness and chaos, but in a battle," Obi-Wan summarized.

Suddenly, Barriss screamed. "I come out of the bathroom and find this craziness? What's even the point of being a Jedi?"

"The free stuff people give you, my Padawan," Luminara told her.

Is she really putting on lotion during the middle of a battle?" Adi Gallia asked.

"Looks like it," Ahsoka commented.

Rex, followed by the 501st came to a running stop. "They're leaving."

"What? So soon?" asked Anakin. "We didn't even get a chance to use the cashew gun on them." It was odd that they had left so quickly. Then again, what wasn't around here?

"What do you mean?" Ahsoka asked Rex.

"Every last one of 'em. They got some kind of message on their comms, then they all started retreating."

"It was crazy," Fives said. "Like the time we threw a washing machine off a thirty-foot skyscraper."

"That was fun!" Hardcase agreed.

"They must've got what they came for," Obi-Wan said."The question is, what?" Kit Fisto asked.

A silent second followed as everyone pondered about what Grevious and his army of droids could possibly have been after.

"Please don't tell me it was the ramen noodles I hid under the couch cushion," Anakin whispered. Everyone gave him a quizzical look.

"So that's what that weird crunch noise was," Shaak Ti remarked in realization.

Suddenly, Mace Windu and Yoda came running into the room, their lightsabers active. Mace Windu looked to each of his fellow Jedi. "We might have a problem on our hands."

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