The Confrontation

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"Ugh. Look at that dead body," Anakin remarked as they passed yet another skeleton lying on the floor.

Jar Jar didn't seem to notice as he accidentally walked through a spiderweb.

"Ah!!! AHH!!! Mesa not like spiders!"

"No one does." Anakin stopped suddenly to examine a dusty tapestry upon the wall

"There's something here. I can feel it" Anakin looked at the tapestry a little closer.

"Wait! I know these people! That's the father, the daughter, and the son. They got into some huge argument once and killed each other over a bag of Cheetos. It was pretty insane."

"Oh! Mesa like Cheetos!" Jar Jar remarked, waiting for Skywalker to fall right into his trap.

"Maybe I should tell Obi Wan about this. The last time I went into an abandoned Jedi Temple by myself, I had a barbecue and almost blew myself up."

"No!" Jar Jar remarked. "Ita take too long! If bad guys find this, then trouble ya?!" Jar Jar started to run about frantically.

"Alright, alright. I'll...mediate. The force is...strong here." Anakin sat down on the ground and removed his shoes.

"What you a doing?" Jar Jar asked, tilting his head sideways.

"Oh. It helps me focus," Anakin remarked. "So does eating raw hot dogs." He pulled one out of his pocket and started to chow it down as he began to focus.

Jar Jar waited, using the power of the force to guide Skywalker in the right direction.

"There's...a bridge. I don't know where it leads to, but I can feel it," Anakin remarked. He was awed by the power of the strange presence he could sense.

"Open it," Jar Jar urged.

Anakin could see no reason why not to. He focused his powers, breaking the chains of an invisible force holding something back.

Then suddenly, all at once, a portal opened, and the Jedi temple started to crumble.

"Nooo!!!!!" Anakin looked down below and saw Obi-Wan and almost every Jedi race towards them.

"What have you done?" Mace Windu demanded. He didn't look very happy. But then again, he never did.

"Guys! There's some strange presence, a bridge-"

"It's a trap!" Ahsoka interrupted Anakin.

"What?" Just then, he turned around to face Jar Jar. Only he wasn't the same goofy Gungan he knew. His yellow eyes seemed to have turned an eerily bright color, and his whole stance stiffened.

"You have done exactly as the Segway has foretold. As I have seen in my visions." Jar Jar did not sound so stupid or dumb anymore. His voice was rough and menacing as if his words alone could choke the breath out of you.

Anakin took a step back. "What's going on?" He ignited his lightsaber, keeping his eyes wide and alert.

The other Jedi ran as fast as they could, but it took a while to escalate the hundreds of stone steps below them.

"You haven't already figured it out?" Darth Jar Jar grinned maliciously.

"You're the Sith Lord we've been looking for." Obi-Wan came up from behind, igniting his lightsaber and moving to Anakin's side.

"You are much more clever than your nai'ive Padawn here, I see," Jar Jar remarked.

"Hey! For the record, my brain isn't really the size of a cheeto!" Anakin said.

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