The End?

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Is this, the end?

Well, originally it was. I had planned for this to be my very last work regarding my insane Star Wars story. 

But then I realized I couldn't just walk away. This story brings me so much joy- rather it's writing it, or making you guys howl with laughter. 

I want to personally thank homeschooledracoon for inspiring me to keep writing this. When I saw the fanart you had drawn for my book, well, it was truly one of the awesomest things I had ever seen. It was like seeing my ideas come to life.

I can't explain it. It just made me feel so amazed and inspired. So I decided to keep writing. 

This is the end of Hilarious Texts and Tales of the Clone Wars because we'll be moving on to hilarious texts and tales of Star Wars! I want to expand my horizon and write about all sorts of different characters in the Star Wars Universe! Starting next week, I'll be publishing a new book that features characters from all across the galaxy, legends and canon. 

So I'll see you all then! 

This book is dedicated to all my beloved fans and friends, specifically homeschooledracoon
CC-1E11ECobalt-CC-1043 Cobalt-CC-1043 CatherineNierthly  @MandalorianJedi Wilobrine303 @outer-rim Lilyofthevalley22
And so many others
Thanks guys for supporting me! You're the best :)

Fives: I can't believe you really had me thinking that was the end

Braidzella: Well it was...for a while.

Fives: Glad it's not though! Now I have plenty of time to cause chaos!!!

Braidzella: Fives wait!!!!!

I meant to put out this chapter with the other last two but didn't get around to it. So late Monday upload? I plan to release my next book on Friday or Saturday, so see you then :)

It was truly amazing to wake up to 70+ notifications this morning. I'm glad to hear from so many of you guys! You're truly the best :)

Braidzella out-

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2022 ⏰

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