🌹Nail Paint🌹

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"You've never painted your nails before?" Charli asked and Luca shook his head. Charli smiled, "come sit down, I'lldo it for you." She said cheerfully.

Luca did as she said and sat down onto her bed. "What colours would you like?" She asked. "Ummm, White with orange glitter." Luca replied after thinking for a moment.

Charli rummaged through her drawers pulling out the glitter and nail vanish.

"It might smell weird." Charli warned. Screwing open the lid and dunk the brush in.

Charli was right it did smell weird, it was really strong as well. Charli held his hand and made him blush a little. It was cold but not too cold. Charli was doing it really slowly and concentrating hard. Once she had done one hand, she put the glitter on it and did the other hand.

Luca thought Charli's face was so cute when she was concentrating. One she was done charli said "don't touch me or anything."

But luca ignored her and toom ahold of her chin kissing her and leaving without saying anything.

🧡Charluca Oneshots🤍 (Smut/Fluff/Angst)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα