Author's Note (Slightly important)

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Yes im alive. Yes i didn't forgot this story or the requests. Im working on them and im trying to see and check if everything is okay, no grammar mistakes etc. 

I ain't the person to talk often about my personal life and what i do on a daily basis, but when something is bothering me at the fullest and i want someone's opinion. This author's note ain't about me complaining don't get me wrong. 

My mental health lately has been terrible, i am trying my best to kinda like help myself by doing things i like etc but at the end of the day i still feel like shit.I don't exactly know how to describe what i feel. Mixed emotions perhaps? Depression? I am not sure. I just don't feel happy you could say.Plus, i have a bad feeling about myself that miiight affect my mental health but i don't wanna believe it's that for two reasons 1.I am not a psychologist/doctor 2.I don't think it's that and i don't wanna get into conclusions without knowing. 

So um for those who might have read this. Thank you for reading it i actually appreciate it a lot! I hope whatever it is that i have, it will leave soon. 

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