Shy! Ghostface x Tall! Female Reader(OneShot)

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(Something quick regarding my mental health.Im slightly better to the point where im okay with continuing again to write.I still need to work on myself tho but for now im good.Plus i got sun burned but this ain't about that💀Let's get to the story!)

(Apparently Ghostface is 5'10 or 1,78cm)

Alright,being tall has it's perks.Im able to spot where the traps one of the killers has put.What has his name again?Trapper? Yea i think that's his name. Im slightly surprised tho.The one and only Ghostface spared me and let me go? (Cuz like when you turn on the generators you have to run your ass off to the exit🏃‍♀️)

Did Ghostface had a soft sp- Nah there's no way.He is a selfish killer he wouldn't feel anything like that.

I was sitting waiting for the next round to begin where the killer was surprisingly Ghostface (✨wHaT a CoInCiDeNcE✨).The round started and me and the others started running to find the generators(She's a runner,she's a trackstar🏃‍♀️Alright i'll stop-)

I heard a scream.It was probably one of the other survivors.I saw Jake running towards my spot hiding in a locker.I turned around and saw Ghostface,he looked up at me and he started backing off? What the fuck?

"Why are you backing off?Aren't you like supposed to kill me or something?"I asked him.He took off his mask and looked at me with a 'Are you serious?' look.Jake found a way to escape from the locker as i was talking with Ghostface 

"You're so tall and uh....well....i feel intimidated by you"Ghostface confessed

I looked at him as if he was serious about what he was saying

"I- Do you know that you're a killer?" I ask him 

"Yea,obviously"He replied

"And that you are able to kill me?"I ask again

"Yea"He replies 

"And are you planning to?"I ask 

"No,you're too beautiful to kill.Not all women are different like you.Most look so basic and all the same.But you aren't like them"Ghostface said (Yes im going cliché)

He slightly has a point here.Should i feel nice about it tho?

"Can...i hug you perhaps?"Ghostface asked and i nodded.He hugged me and i returned the hug.

Why did this hug felt so comforting?Did i needed that hug?

(A/N I know it's super short and the events happened rather quick don't come up at me)

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