Part 14

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Max, Lucas and Erica exits the caravan when we arrive at the creel house. "good luck" I say and Max nods at me before she closes the door. We watch them enter the house and then Steve drives away, towards the trailer park. We all sit in silence trying to prepare for what we are about to do. I grab Eddies hand feeling a bit anxious about the whole situation, I can feel his hand being sweaty for the same reason as he grabs my hand too.

Steve parks the caravan next to Eddies trailer and we all exit, bringing our weapons with us. We walk up to the trailer and Eddie opens the door, letting us all in. Steve closes the door being the last one in and we all look at the gate. "everyone ready?" Nancy says and looks at all of us, "ready as you can be before fighting monsters" I say and grab the rope and start climbing.

Steve climbs after me and looks up at the others after landing, almost as if he expects an applause. I snort at him and look up the gate at the others. "wooahhh, what does he want us to do? applaud?" Robin says sarcastically while looking up at me on the other side. I chuckle at her comment and then I follow Steve to get the mattress from Eddies bedroom.

We put down the mattress under the gate and move out of the way, "alright, let's go" Steve says and looks up at the gate. Robin kneels down so Nancy can climb up the rope easier and then Nancy falls through the gate and onto the mattress, just like planned. Steve helps her up and he looks at her for a few seconds, "hello earth to Steve?" I say and look at them with a raised eyebrow. They back away from the matters and then the others throw down the weapons and supplies for the fight.

Dustin is the last one to enter the upside down, Eddie and Robin helps him up and we all start to exit the trailer. Eddie closes the door after him and then Steve turns around to look at us, "hey guys, listen" he says and we stop to look at him. "if things over here start to go south, I mean, at all, you abort. Okay? Draw the attention of the bats. Keep them busy for a minute or two and we will take care of Vecna. Don't try to be cute or be a hero or something, okay? you guys are ju-" Steve rambles on but then Dustin cuts him off.

"decoys, don't worry. You can be the hero, Steve" Dustin says and all three of us nod, "absolutely. I mean, look at us, we are not heroes" Eddie says and we look back at Steve. He nods and then he starts to walk away to the others again. "hey Steve?" Eddie then says and walks up to him, "make him pay" he says and looks at him. Steve turns around and nod at him before the three of them start to walk away to the Creel house.


Me, Dustin and Eddie gathers stuff around in the trailer park to use as protection around the trailer, preparing for when all the bats start to swarm us. I help Eddie to hold up a few metal boards against a window and he starts to screw them in place, "why are these so heavy" I say with a heavy breathe. Eddie just grins at me and continues to screw, Dustin walks up to me and helps me to hold it up after he finished covering something else. "thanks" I say breathing out a bit and we finish covering the window and then we start to build a big fence around the entrance of the trailer.

I start from the left side and Eddie starts from the right side, Dustin screws the fence parts in place as I hold them still. The thunder is echoing in the background as we continue to build our base and all three of us start to work faster to be able to finish quicker. We meet Eddie at the entrance of the fence and we finish screwing all the parts, "finally" I say and take off my beanie to wipe off some sweat from my forehead. "this should definitely to the job" Dustin says and both me and Eddie agree.

We stand a few meters away from the trailer to take a look at it from a distance, "not bad" Eddie says proud of our work. "not bad at all" Dustin replies and I put my beanie back on. "and now for the fun part" Eddie says and looks at me with a small grin, "absolutely" I say and nod at him. We start to walk back to the trailer to get the rest of the stuff we need.

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