{ rules }

504 9 67

alright, let's start this up. you guys know the drill by now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

»»----> ➹★➷ <----««

[ rule #1 ]
> please don't spam me.
apart from it being incredibly annoying for multiple reasons, i have a life of my own. there's also times where i struggle with motivation or i might be burnt out. because of this, requests might be slow or take a while.

[ rule #2 ]
> be descriptive!

exactly what this one says. i'm not asking for a whole essay for your response by any means, but at least try to have it be 3+ sentences. it's hard for me to respond to roleplays when i just get one or two sentences.

[ rule #3 ]
> kai is taken as a crush, i'm sorry.
this is just for personal/comfort reasons, since i don't really feel comfortable enough to have venom's crush as someone else. maybe this'll change in the future? i can't make any promises, though.

[ rule #4 ]
> cursing, smut, and gore are allowed in the roleplay.
if you're not comfortable with any of these topics, let me know in the form so i don't accidentally cross any boundaries. smut will only be roleplayed in dms, though- it's just easier on me tbh xp

[ rule #5 ]
> child ocs cannot have a crush* on any of the ninja or the older characters.
this one i shouldn't have to say, but i've multiple ocs where the ocs are under 14 and they have the crush as one of the ninja.

* note: platonic crushes are perfectly okay!! i don't have a problem with those. this is just referring to people who have children ocs with romantic crushes.

{ password 1: who's your favorite ninja? }

[ rule #6 ]
> i play your oc's crush, and you play my oc's crush.
again, self explanatory. i've had a few people do this and it never fails to make me mad. if you don't play my oc's crush, i'm just not going to respond to your thread- plain and simple.

[ rule #7 ]
> if i decline anything from you (ie. oc, scenario request, etc), that does NOT give you the right to be a massive cunt.
putting this here just in case- i'm sure most of you have enough sense *not* to harass other for simple things like this, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

[ rule #8 ]
> the roleplay does not revolve around your oc.
if i feel that you're trying to only make it about your oc, i'll either stop replying or delete your comment.

{ password #2: favorite fold ninjago song? }

[ rule #9 ]
> do not control my oc(s)
this is just common sense, but i'm putting it in here just in case. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

[ rule #10 ]
> please put your form into one comment or one thread
any failure to do so will most likely end up with me deleting your comments, or just not answering your form

{ password #3/final password: tag 4 people that would be interested (no, you can't pull the "but i don't have anyone who's into ninjago" excuse. at least try) }

[ rule #11 ]
> finally, put all of the passwords in with your form so i know that you've actually read the rules.
this is also self explanatory lol

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