{ rules pt. 2 (also i reinstate some stuff too.) }

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( this chapter WILL be deleted later after i upload them onto the actual rules chapter, but for now, they're going here.

btw im sorry if i seem mean or irritable with some of these, im just- so fucking tired of these things happening. /neg )

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

- do NOT ping / tag me to roleplays, i stfg.

this one is in the main rules iirc, but evidently it needs to be said about fifty dozen times (and even then, i doubt it'll do anything at all, lol.)

despite popular belief, i have a life outside of wattpad / roleplaying!!! there are also times where i either don't feel like roleplaying, or don't want to roleplay with a specific person and/or thread.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

- if i post a scenario chapter, do NOT ping / tag me automatically afterwards to the roleplay you want me to respond to.

goes hand in hand w the first one, but im reinstating it too. i'll respond to threads in my own time - tagging me everytime im online will just make me *not* want to roleplay with you.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

- if you want to add a new oc, fill out or tag me to a form for em! don't just. drop em in the middle of a roleplay or start a whole new roleplay around em

i do not think i need to explain this.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

- if i tell you i don't want to roleplay, do *not* go into another chapter and ask me if i want to do a different scenario.

besides the fact that it's annoying, it's also a bit rude imo.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

- play my oc's crush, and i'll play yours in return. why is this so hard to understand

exactly as it says. im getting tired of people starting roleplay threads where i'm just roleplaying their oc's crush and they don't play my oc's crush back.

for now on, if this happens, i'll remind you ONCE (if it's at the beginning of the roleplay) - but if you don't do it, then i'm just not going to answer you! plain and simple. im so tired of this shit

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

- don't join the roleplay / make a form if you're just. not going to roleplay

this one is common sense, i think, but im putting it here anyway. it's really fucking rude + very annoying when this shit happens lmao.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

- read the rules please, i fucking swear to god. this is the most important

im not explaining this one bc this is common fucking sense, lol.

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