Oh shit

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Melo Pov:
Well shit. i knew she wanted to talk but i didn't think it would be about this. I mean what did i rlly think it was gonna be about tbh there was really nothing else to talk about. Me and kay had something freshman towards the end and throughout summer and a month before we went back to school was when i got a dm from mrs ashley herself. She went to our school but i guessed i never rlly noticed her. Long story short she showed me a picture of Kay kissing some other guy. i found out later that it was from the beginning of the school year before we started messing around. I knew we weren't dating but i was hurt, i mean i was planning on asking her to be my girlfriend. In the end of it all me and ashley fucked and the one and only Gelo had to go and tell kay. I mean there really close but damn if ashley's loud ass was a little quieter gelo never would have found out. After Kay found out she didn't talk to me for a week and i didn't know at the time that she had found out so i was a little confused.
Melo pov:
Kay stopped talking to me last monday and i'm kinda mad about it. but i mean she did kiss another nigga so why she ignoring me. I sat and thought in first period, what if she found out about me and ashley's lil fuck sesh. Nah i mean how she wasn't there and no one else was in the house right? Ima ask to talk to her at lunch.
Lunch Time
I walked into the cafeteria and there she was sitting with gelo, eli, isaiah, dre, and jalen. she had her head down and everyone else was just talking around her. i walked up to her and asked her if she would come outside and talk to me. she looked annoyed asf,
"hey you good"
"i'm fine why"
"idk u haven't talked to me since last monday"
"hm u mean the monday u fucked ashley right after i left ur house?" she looked at me with a "bitch u serious rn" kinda look.
My eyes went wide but then i remembered that she ain't exactly innocent also i mean kissing isn't sex but i mean she i should be the only nigga she kissin not some rando that built like a chicken strip.
"nah i'm talking about the monday u kissed the wack ass danimals monkey lookin ass nigga"
"tf u talking about?" she genuinely looked confused so that made me more confused
i pulled out my phone and showed her the picture. And she started laughing like bitch what's funny.
"tf u laughing for u like playing with people feelings or sum.?"
"mel-" i cut her off
"nah it's cool i get it have fun with yo other nigga" i waved her off and started walking back into the cafeteria
"man fuck this shit i'm leaving" i heard her say and she walked towards her locker i'm guessing to get her stuff to go home but i could care less.
End of flashback
That was the last day i saw her until this week so i wish i would have cared but she back now and i guess there's no getting out of this conversation so mine as well tell her the truth. but my dumbass still decided to play it dumb because tbh it's just a habit.
Kay- "you know what i mean melo" she sat on my bed across from me
"um ik where do you want me to start"
"The Monday u fucked her" damn she rlly remembered there ain't no getting out of this one.
"oh ok so um she texted me and told me who she was and that she went to our school and that she had some important things to talk about i was kinda confused bc what can we have toy talk about if i don't even know you but i let her slide anyways because she said she couldn't tell me through text. She gets here about an hour after you leave and she pulls up a picture of you kissing another dude. And i was mad ash because i was planning on asking you to be my girlfriend the day after all this happened" i seen her face soften a little
"i was hurt and i just needed to get my mind off things, and she was right there so yk one thing led to another and we ended up fucking then she left. And after i found out u left i thought you didn't care about me enough so why should i be stuck in you. i was still worried because no one was telling me where you where but chris and ur other friends told me you were good so i stopped worrying as much i still missed you like crazy tho. a few weeks as after you left me and ashley started dating but tbh she was kinda just there for a quick fuck when i needed her. even tho she was loose asf but we wont get into that, i was kinda just using her to fill the space you had even tho everything me and her did never compared to the stuff me and you did." i looked at her and she looked like she wanted to cry. "i knew i should have heard you out and i'm sorry. i found out three months later that the picture was from months ago and i felt terrible knowing that you could have been in my bed with me watching netflix and going on dates instead of ashley. i confronted her about it and she flat out said she just wanted you out of the picture. i got hella mad and we took a break but ended up back together"
I looked over at her and she had her head down i scooter closer to her and used my hand to lift her face up by her chin. i looked into her eyes and examined her face, damn i rlly let this fine thing go damn melo tf was u thinkin a year ago. "i'm sorry for not hearing you out i'm sorry for taking her side over yours even tho i knew you longer, it was a stupid move and i will never do it again. Forgive me?" i looked at her, she nodded and smiled "thank you melo" i couldn't help myslef and longer, i leaned in and crashed my lips against hers. She was a little taken back but she eventually kissed back. it escalated into a heated makeout and i lightly tapped her thigh signaling for her to sit on my lap. which she obeyed and straddled me. we continued like this and one of my hands is in the small of her back and the other resting on her ass. she had her arms wrapped around my neck tugging on the back of my hair.
"Hey dad sa- OMG" we jumped up to zo standing in the doorway but quickly shutting in. Kay slowly got off my lap and started hysterically laughing. i chuckled a little but i was still mad at Zo i mean shit a nigga was about to give her these strokes but i guess not.
"Zo what u want nigga" i laughed 
"i'm first don't make babies and second dad said to come down and join everyone".
"what u mean everyone" kay asked
"oh he invited a bunch of family for a bbq if y'all weren't trynna get down you would have known."
"boi shut up and go get some from denise or sum" kay laughed
"mannn yall haters" zo said and walked away
"welll lets go" she got up and grabbed my hand and started walking towards the door.
"waittt" i stopped her
"what come on ur dads waiting" she looked at me
"gimme a kiss first" i smiled
she laughed
"omg needy ass"
"just love meeee" i said hugging on her
"omg fine" she gave me a peck and tired to walk away.
"nuh uh a real kiss"
"omfg melo" she laughed and rolled her eyes
she stood on her tippy toes and gave a real kiss which lasted a good 6-8 seconds
"there now come on" she said pulling me towards the door
"i'm coming damn"
we made it out back and everyone looked at us at first i thought Zo said sum i was about to go punch his nigga ass but then my dad said.
"OH HEY YALL COME SAY HI TO EVERYONE" with his loud ass. Kay let go of my hand and walked away with denise to go say hi to everyone.
While she was over there i went and dabbed up a few of my dads friends and family then i went to go talk to Zo, i didn't rlly want him saying anything until me and her we official bc u best believe i want her fine self. But i definitely gotta win her trust back first.
"Aye Zo come talk to me rq"
"yea um dmo i'll be back alr"
"fs" dmo said and went on his phone.
"wsp" zo asked as we walking inside the house away from everyone.
"can u not say anything abt me and Kay bc ima wait until it's official?"
"yea lil bro i gotchu" he says as he dabs me up.
"alr thx" then we both walked back outside and started hanging with everyone. Me and Kay were sitting on the outside chairs and the camera crew caught kay sitting in my lap. i mean i didn't care but at the same time i do care because i don't know if kay wants people knowing about us just yet.
After everyone left it was just me and kay
"hey u trynna spend the night?" i rlly hoped she said yes i missed spending time with her
"um yea sure u wanna walk me home to get some clothes?" she asked
tbh i rlly didnt wanna leave
"u can borrow some of mine?" i asked her
"oh yea sure" she smiled
"just let me call and ask my parents" she pulled out her phone while she was doing that i got up and went to my drawers and got her some psd boxers that i never even took out the packaging and a over sized black t shirt.

After everyone left it was just me and kay"hey u trynna spend the night?" i rlly hoped she said yes i missed spending time with her"um yea sure u wanna walk me home to get some clothes?" she asked tbh i rlly didnt wanna leave"u can borrow some of ...

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(just the shorts not the bra)"hey mom can i spend the night at lavar and tina's house?, yea i'm just gonna hang out with melo and them, ok mom i will bye" she hung up the phone and looked at me "she said yea" "alr cool" "oh here u go" i handed her...

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(just the shorts not the bra)
"hey mom can i spend the night at lavar and tina's house?, yea i'm just gonna hang out with melo and them, ok mom i will bye" she hung up the phone and looked at me "she said yea"
"alr cool" "oh here u go" i handed her the clothes
"thank youuuu" she smiled and walked into my bathroom
I was sitting there thinking about her, how pretty she is, how amazing her personality is. Also thinking about how i let all of it go. just because i didn't hear her out, but nothing i can change i mean shit it already happened but she's back now so the best thing i can do is treat her better than i did last time. As i'm thinking she walks out the bathroom and god damn she was lookin mad good.
"dayummmm" i said as i sat up and smiled
"what?" she said as she laughed and sat down on the bed
"my clothes look better in you then they do on me" i smiled
"oh i know" she flipped her hair and laughed
"ok don't get to full of yo self" i laughed
"omg u never let me have fun" she pouted as she laid her head in my lap and looked up at me and smiled
"man u a liar" i laughed and started playing with her hair "can i get a kiss" i asked her
all she did was look at me and grab the back of my neck and pull me down to her level and kissed me. She let go and looked at me but i wanted more so i grabbed the side of her face and crashed my lips on hers, they moved in sync, it turned into a makeout but we finally let go for air.
she smiled at me then turned around.
"goodnight" she said
"goodnight kay" i said as i gave her a kiss on the cheek and later next to her and shut the light off.
sorry i haven't updated kinda busy this weekend but lemme know if y'all got any questions.
Also i changed what she looks like y'all so if y'all want to see go back and look at the pictures on the first two chapters 💓

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