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y'all i'm sorry i literally got harassed by registration for my new school and all this damn stupid ass paperwork. But i'm sorry anyways here y'all go enjoy.
Melo Pov:
Kay just got to my house and headed to my room.
I was nervous asf i mean shit i fucked my shit up i can tell she's mad and what i said to her was fucked up. I rlly was just trynna save my ass from getting a beating but i mean it's gonna come one way or another. I watched her as she walked up the stairs to my room. Damn she fine way better than ashley. I walked into my kitchen and got two water bottles and started walking to my room. When i got inside i handed her a water bottle and went to sit on the bed trying to piece together how i was gonna tell her i put my dick inside ashley before i got to give her these strokes. Like damn i rlly fucked up. And it smacked me in the face when i look to my right to see her changing into the clothes i washed for her. Gah damn.. I think she seen me but tbh idc. After she finished changing she put the clothes she took off on the bean bag chair i had in the conner of my room and walked over to the bed and sat down and looked at me. I'm guessing waiting for me to explain here we go.
Kay Pov:
After changing out of the clothes i showed up in and into the clothes that were freshly washed for me I sat in melos bed waiting for this nigga to speak.
"Okay i'm not really sure how to start this off so i'm just finna wing it... kay i'm sorry ik your tired of this shit and there's really no explanation for what i did and there's no excuse the best i can really do it tell you how we got into the whole situation". i nodded as indication for him to keep going
"as soon as i dropped you off and came home i opened insta to a dm from Ashley, she was going on about how she wanted to come over and talk and all this other stuff. I told her she could slide for 15 mins max then she had to dip" I rolled my eyes does this cheating ass nigga really expect me to believe him. Like i swear we've been through this . i'm guessing he seen my expression because he sighed and unlocked his phone and slid it to my side of the bed. "These are all the text since after you came back look through what you want i swear on my mommas life i haven't tired to get with her since you came back" i looked at his phone and he for once wasn't lying.... i was surprised to say the least but still hurt. I slid his phone back an nodded for him to keep going.
"she came over and started talking about how she missed me and how she couldn't stand to see me with you and all this other stuff and at first i wasn't listening but one thing led to another and i really don't know why i did it i can seem to find an explanation to why it happened but i do regret it and if i could go back and change what i did. trust me i would. he looked up and waited for me to say something but tbh i didn't have much to say that i haven't already told him once before.
"and about what i said to you about how we weren't dating i regret that a lot too it was wrong and i fucked up i just really hope there's something we can do to fix this"
he looked down and out the window and then back at me
"melo i don't know what you want me to do we have gone through this already and i don't know if i want to do it again." i paused trying to form the words i wanted to say into a sentence
"well for starters what you did was deadass mf wrong... but i can forgive you but i'm so serious lamelo lafrance ball lord help me fuck this shit up again and ima smack you so hard across your face your going to loose your sight and your hearing, i might turn yo ass into a spawn of hellen keller" i said while shoving my finger in his face
"ok ok ok i wont i swear" he said backing up
I stood up and so did he he pulled me into a hug while i burred my face into his chest.
"lord what am i going to do with you" i said and sighed

(y'all i'm sorry i forgot abt wattpad but lemme know if y'all want anything else)

(y'all i'm sorry i forgot abt wattpad but lemme know if y'all want anything else)

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