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We ran into the car and drove "what the fuck just happened" "I don't know" "we need to talk about this re coop our thoughts see what's going on for all we know the cops could be after us I mean we were both there our fingerprints are all over her" "okay okay".

"Go somewhere abandoned and we need to hide" "i know a place" "take us there and make it quick" Eddie picks up speed.

We stop at a house with and it has a boat shack thing and we run out and right into the shack. We both hop into a boat "move over ash" "let's spoon it will be much easier and more comfortable" "fine".

We get comfortable "how long are we gonna be here" "until we can't I'm guessing" "do you think we'll be framed I can't go to jail eddie I can barley leave this town" "it's okay we're not going to jail get sleep" "okay"

After a few hours he shakes me awake "what what" "someone's outside" "okay be quite and grab something sharp" I grab a wrench and he grabs a broken bottle. They enter I hear voices walk in I hold my mouth dropping the wrench after being stabbed with something.

Eddie jumps out pinning steve against the wall holding the bottle to his neck "Eddie stop thats steve I've told you about steve the one I work with and last year summer time" dustin screams too. Eddie looks and me "what are you doing here" Eddie asks "looking for you guys" "Eddie you know dustin that's max and thats robin, their my friends we can trust them" he drops the bottle from Steve's neck. I pick up speed and hug robin "please tell me you covered my shift" "yea I covered your shift" "i owe you" "you sure do" dustin goes up to Eddie and starts to talk to him.

I walk over to Steve and whisper to him "try not calling him a freak I'm sure you'll like him I mean other than the craziness in his eyes he's a good person just shocked it was gruesome probably worse than we've ever seen" "how bad" "I don't want to even describe it that bad I never want to see that again or relive that moment" "okay so bad bad" "yeah, what have you heard on the news so far" "not much just that she died" "thank god" "how are you holding up" "okay I think more worried about Eddie" I start to stare realizing I never got to play d and d with hellfire and I could be going to jail in just a few days.

"We wanna know what happened" "hey guys what no he just whitenesses his first death get some humanity come on" "ash do you realize how crazy you sound" "just chill out okay I'm still shocked how do you think Eddie feels"

"I'm right here" "yeah yeah" "I can tell them" "okay" i sit down next to him and grab his hand nonchalantly. He was having trouble telling the story "she just like hung there in the air and her bones" he was having the most trouble telling this part i squeezed his hand "her bones started to snap, her eyes man it was like there was something like inside her head like pulling we didn't know what to do so we. we ran away we left her there, you all think we're crazy don't you" "no we don't think your crazy" dustin Answers  "don't bullshit me man i know how this sounds" "hear them out eddie please" I say trying to let him hear the group I went off in a world of my own after that.

I trusted them i thought he should hear it from more than one person god I feel like a burden to him. The whole time we hung out it was to teach me how to play guitar and I already learned master of puppets I just wanted to spend time with him he felt safe kinda like me he likes rock music and we have similarities i live my friends but I felt closest to him. My dad taught me some d and d but I asked eddie to teach me the rest all I wanted was to get closer to him but Now that I think about it he might think of me as a burden it would probably be easier if I just never became friends with him and maybe I would have never liked him and I could've gotten my self out of this I mean if I never went over his house I wouldn't be a burden now.

I blink myself out of this mini trace and feel a tear "I'm gonna go outside for a minute" I stand up and rush out of the cramped feeling boat house I put oh my head phones and lean against the metal building letting a few tears fall I hear someone come out and wipe away my tears quickly. It was robin "hi" i say my voice a little shaky "hey what's wrong" she sits next to me she's probably the one I got along with most and my best friend I don't even know if I can consider eddie that he probably think I'm using him to take over hellfire or something and guitar he probably think I'm stupid because I want to spend time with him so I act like I don't know shit "am I a burden" "no of course not why would you think that" "because I don't know I just really have to get this off my chest but I don't want to burden you" "you would never you are my best friend and can tell me anything" "I've been trying to hang out with Eddie for a few days and I always act like I don't know stuff even tho I already know how to play guitar I just want him to be around me and I have a big fat crush on him and I don't know what to do" I hug her and hide my face in her shoulder and rant more about everything.

I back out of the hug after a while "thanks for listening please don't tell anyone" "I would never I'm glad you trusted me I will always be here for you" "and same with you thank you robin your the best"

We stand up and i hug her one more time thanking her for listening to my stupid rant. I feel lighter in a sense now there has been a lot in my shoulders lately and now possibly being framed for a murder not good.

Words: 1124

tainted love \\ Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now