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After a day they took me to court deciding to let me go and blame it on Eddie or take me to prison or every the electric chair. My lawyer made me blame it on eddie all of it saying I was just waiting for him in his room and I came out and he was doing rituals. My voice cracked many time tears falling out some.

They let me off clean and I ran to my dads car sobbing ripping off the stupid dress he bought for the stupid court case for all stupid lies.

The truth was the love of my life is dead and I had to blame a murder he shouldn't be blamed for on him. His death replayed in my head over and over again I'm crying in the care with a torn up dress and my engagement ring on with the pick of my first love. Anything would be better than this outcome anything they should have given me the choice of food and electric chair so I could be with him and our 2 little girls and 2 little boys who we lived with our whole hearts. But no I was stuck here without him wounds in my sides and makeup coving my wrists ankles and neck because of the redness.

I drive home like a bad man swerving and then I hear a cop and I look up my tears clouded my vision is he came up and looked at me "officer" i say wiping my tears away so I could see him "tough day?" "Really tough" "I'll let you off with a warning but you drive like that again I'm gonna have to give you a ticket" "okay thank you" the officer walks off and i take a minute to breathe before starting the car and driving off.

The next day everyone was moving out of Hawkins the so called earthquake drove everyone out of town. Reporters were a scattered amongst the streets there was military and police everywhere. They blamed everything on hellfire and Eddie. It's not fair he doesn't deserve this they even said me in the news saying how I was let off because I wasn't apart of the rituals just wrong place and the wrong time. I kicked the television multiple times causing it to break and spark. I drove to the wheelers after being a ghost for two days I haven't talked much or ate anything really.

I pull up and hop out i hug robin and stand next to her. Mrs wheeler coms out with a box and hands it to Nancy "did someone order a pizza" she asks we all turn to see a pizza can pull up and the door opens reveling some random dude mike will Jonathan and el.

You could feel everything stop then they all reunited. Max was at the hospital and Lucas was there with her. Steve robin and i walk by dustin will and el talking I grab into robins hand "please don't let go" I whisper my voice cracking after not talking for over a day. My eyes were all puffy and red i wiped all the makeup off so I looked like a train wreck but I didn't care I just missed Eddie. I've only been listening to sad songs and have had my Walkmans on for way to long throughout the day that it made my ears pink.

We went to the school where everyone who needed help went and we brought supplies i grabbed and box and a new Eddie flyer it was the least I could do for his uncle I know he's gone but I still don't want him to be. "Take this and I'll be back" i say quietly handing my box to Steve. I walk over to the missing persons board and stare at Eddie's it was covered in red marker making it look like he was a devil while in reality he was probably one of the sweetest people you could and would ever meet. I untack the colored on one and tack the new one. "Hello?" "Oh hi mr Munson I don't know if you remember me but I'm Ashley" i say trying to put on a smile "i remover you my nephew was head over heels for you constantly wouldn't stop talking about you" he smiled "I was just about to redo his paper" "I've decided to make a few copies myself to lighten up the trips you would have to make here maybe make it easy on you" i say "I have to go but nice seeing you" I put on a fake smile once more and rush to the bathroom I get in a stall and just start to bawl my eyes out. He seemed so sweet and I lied to his face and acted like norhing was wrong while everything is wrong.

After I few minutes I wipe my tears and leave the bathroom I couldn't stay at the school much longer so I left. I got in my car and drove home not really my car more me and my dads but still. I got back to the damaged trailer park and parked the car. I went into my room and picked up Eddie's guitar "hello my love" I laugh at myself because only a few days ago I thought it was a the weirdest thing that Eddie talked to his guitar but now I'm doing it to his. I lay on my bed and think about how much fun we had together sleepovers, jamming out in till 3am when the neighbors banged on my trailer door yelling at us to shut up and how we would stay up till 6 am just to piss them off by playing what we called a beautiful rock alarm.

I can't help but to smile and hold onto the guitar pick necklace he handed me in his last moments. I hear a knock at the door "it's open" i yell from my bed sitting up "I brought some food" dustin walks in he's brought food in the morning at lunch and dinner. "Hey" I smile "you look happy" "just thinking, I do have a question though" we sat down at the small table and set up dinner. We've been eating together lately and he's kept his promise to Eddie about making sure I'm okay and all that it's nice to have dustin in all of this he was probably as close to Eddie as me.

We started to eat the food his mom made us "what is this it's good" "I think it's some fancy pasta or something" he answers "okay so I was think you know how graduations coming up for the seniors we can do something for Eddie he was supposed to graduate this year" "yeah" we tried not to talk about him much because it was still a had topic for all of us. "Maybe we could crash it i could play master of puppets and you and hellfire or the group go up and Fifi lol his dream of snatching the diploma because they already made his i checked and flipping off the principal" "that's good" he nodded and we kept eating.

Words: 1212

tainted love \\ Eddie Munson Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant