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"Do you guys think here bats have rabies" robin says making the group look at her "what, wait it's possible do they" i say "it's just that rabies are like my number one greatest fear and I think we should get you to a doctor like really soon because once the symptoms set on it's too late your already like dead" we hear more screeching and see bats coming toward us.

We huddle together and see them place themselves at the gate not letting us go back that way. "All right there's not that many we can take them right?" Steve says we hear more coming towards us "you were saying?" Robin replied "the woods come on" Nancy says I grab Eddie's hand and we all run off into the shady looking woods.

We run for a while stopping at the upside down version of skull rock "you okay" "yeah you" "yeah great" i give him a quick kiss just needing some more stability I mean we're in the fucking upside down for Christ's  sake. We all look up at the bats flying above our heads the red lightning and the darkness to the atmosphere isn't helping my nerves "okay that was close" "yeah a little to close for my liking" i reply steve falls against the rock Nancy going towards him "Jesus" "I'm fine I'm fine" he says even though he's definitely not fine "no no no you're not your losing blood come on sit all right" i gag at the sight "omg god I hate blood and any wound I think I'm gonna puke" i say putting my hands on my knees i couldn't even focus on what the were saying it was that bad.

Eddie climbs up on a rock "So uh this place is like Hawkins's but with monsters and nasty shit" "pretty much" Nancy helps Steve with standing up straight "Eddie get down your gonna fall" the puking feeling has died down so i can finally focus on everything else.

"Wait watch out for the vines it's all a hive mind" Nancy warns "it's all a what" Eddie says "all the crappy crawlies around here dude there like one or something, you step on a vine your stepping on a bat your stepping on vecna" steve replies "shit" "take it slow please" i say standing at the end of the rock.

They talk about how everything he is basically the same expect without people and how we can go to the police station to get supplies to kill the bats guarding the gate. "I highly doubt the Hawkins PD has grenades, robin but guns yeah sure" Steve remarks "it's possible you a little negative Nancy Steve no offense Nancy" i say "none taken"

"We don't have to go all the way downtown for guns, I have guns in my bedroom" Nancy "oh shit giving out all your secrets" i say "you Nancy wheeler have guns plural in your bedroom" Eddie asks "full of surprises isn't she" robin exclaims "a Russian makarov and a revolver" nance says "ya you almost shit me with that one" steve comes up behind her "you almost deserved it"

I love over to Robin "they're flirting right I'm not delusional" i ask "I'm so glad I'm not the only one" "we're definitely talking about this after we kill the son of a bitch named vecna" i giggle "100%"

Eddie throws his jean vest at Steve "for your modesty dude" the floor shakes and I fall onto Eddie and robin onto me I hold onto her as Eddie holds onto me the shaking stops after a few seconds. "Guns about those nance good idea can we go get those now" i say getting up grabbing robins hand pulling her up. We start to walk off in the direction of Nancy's house or I hope. I trail behind then run up "I hate being in the back of lines it scares me"

I grab Eddie's arm and we walk arm and arm like an old married couple. "So what are we gonna do if not charged for murder" "we're going on thousands of dates and then one day I'm gonna marry you and we're gonna have little Eddie's running around listening to amazing rock music and some Elvis courtesy of their amazing beautiful mother" he trails on saying more stuff I can't help but kiss him and I rest my head on his shoulder while we walk.

Robin talks about roads or something i wasn't really paying attention just thinking of a life with Eddie one day. Nance talks about how we're almost there and Steve calls eddie to which he lets go of my hand and slows down. I rush forward to catch up with Robin and Nancy. I just hear slight mumbles from them but i just keep walking. The ground shakes more and I lose my balance grabbing on to a tree. Robin was ranting about how much she hates earthquakes and how I Stewart she is already and doesn't need something else to make her shake.

tainted love \\ Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now