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We kept ringing the bikes and I could tell Eddie was nodding his head I laughed to myself and we kept riding. We were riding quickly towards the trailer park.

I quickened my pace so I wouldn't fall behind. As we kept going towards our trailer park. We all noticed the swarm of bats that were rivaling us as we rode by. We all quickens at the sight pushing are bikes to their limits. We got there "this better get us a record most miles traveled inter dimensionally" robin say and I got out a soft laugh even while killer bats are on our tail she never ceases the opportunity to make a joke of sorts.

"I just inhaled a bunch of that crap" he coughs "it's stuck in my throat" "you too I inhaled some earlier at the house it get stuck and it's so annoying" i say before running into his trailer. Eddie opens the door and I walk in behind him we all take a second to look at it. "God damn" Steve turns off the flashlight.  We all look at the glowing red and Eddie speaks up "this is where Chrissy died, like right where she died" i start to remember her bones snapping and i close my eyes to try and not remember that he gruesome death "I think there's something in there" robin says something starts to poke through and I grab onto Eddie's hand.

"What the hell is that" Eddie asks "maybe it's coming to get us" i say then it pops open and we all let out a yelp. I move forward to see who or what it is after the stick looking thing slows down for moving around. I can feel everyone inching up being me and I stop the stick disappears and you can hear the groups breathing. I let Steve go in front of me and Nancy follows him I grab Eddie's hand again and bring him towards the hole in the ceiling.

We all gather around the hole seeing dustin Lucas max and Erica on the other side on the floor of the trailer in the other side. Their all laughing seeing that it worked "hi there" "hi" we all let out amazed and relieved "holy shit this is trippy" robin says "really really trippy" i add on looking up at the gate amazed. Dustin laughs and yells "Bada Bada boom" they were in the other side tying Eddie's sheets together to make a rope thing i don't know how it's gonna work but let's just hope it does.

They place his mattresses on the ground "Eddie..." i trail off "those stains are uh.. I don't know what those stains are" I look at him worried "ew ew ew I've slept on that before" I yell pointing to the stain covered mattress "not my fault" I shake my head trying to get the thought of sleeping on his piss mattress out of my head. Dustin brings the rope of sheets out to the gate "not quite sure how these physics are gonna work but uh.. here goes nothing" dustin throws up the sheet rope and it works "there we go, and if my theory is correct " dustin pulls on the rope and it's stable and then lets go I hear an "abracadabra" from dustin and a "holy shit" from max on the other side. "All right pull on it see if it holds" dustin yells up. Robin pulls on it and it says "guess I'm the guinea pig" and she start to climb up. I see everyone in the other side step off the mattress so she can fall down onto it. We all look at each other and no one going "alright my turn" i say grabbing the makeshift rope and pulling myself up once I passed the gate I could feel the gravity of our world my hair fell toward and I dropped "you are right that is fun" I grab robin and Dustin's hands and they help me up. Next is Eddie he falls on the mattress "that's was fun, shit" i hold out my hand and he happily takes it and I pull him up. Next is Nancy but she doesn't move steve starts to shake her and we all watch helplessly on the other side worry crosses our faces and max says "vecna" the tension in the room building.

We were all panicking looking for music in Eddie's room. Hoping to find something to get Nancy out of the trance "steve says you need to hurry" Erica comes in yelling "yeah no shit" dustin answers "we're trying we can't find anything" max says "seriously what is all this shit" robin looks at Eddie with tapes in her hands. "What are you even looking for" Eddie says frantically I'm looking for something that she might like I stand up and go over to eddie and robin.  "Madonna blonde Bowie Beatles, music we need music!" Robin yells at Eddie "THIS IS MUSIC" me and Eddie yell looking at her. How dare she hate on some of the best music ever.

After a bit Nancy got out of the trance and she pulled her self up then Steve we settle down and Nancy tells us what she saw the things that haven't happened yet i sat between eddie and Steve on the couch it was a little cramped but i was not gonna sit in the floor I haven't sat on a couch or mattress in days I'm not passing this up. Nancy had a hard time explaining how he showed her the death of her family. "Okay but he's just trying to scare yo nance right I mean I mean it's not real" Steve try's to assure her "not yet" Nancy pushes back the ounce of positivity Steve tried to bring. She talks about the gates and how they grew and grew and it was our world not upside down Hawkins it was ours and our home. Max talks about the fours chimes which means four kills Nancy says that she heard them too. "Hes been telling us his plan this whole time" max says "four kills four gates" Lucas carry's on "end of the world"

"If that's true, he's only one kill away" "oh Jesus Christ Jesus Christ" Eddie says "try ''em again try ''em again" we've tried calling the Byers multiple times to warn them or at least try and get el down here to help us. Max goes over to the phone. They talk about the busy signal and how they got the number wrong and to try again. "Same shit" she says turning around they talk about how Joyce is always on the phone because she has a telemarketer job.

i lean my head against Eddie's shoulder and he grabs my hand i look him and kiss his cheek. "If we weren't running from the cops I would take you on a date after all this" "promise me you'll never leave me" I whisper to him "I promise" he whispers back. He kisses me and we redirect our attention to the room.

"He can't hurt them not if he's dead, not if he's dead" Nancy turns from the window facing us "woah nance love ya but we barely made it out alive we had too many encounters with the bats already" "no no no no no" "nope" me Steve and Eddie all talking over one another steve stands up "let's think this through" "what is there to think through" Nancy shoots back.

"We barley made it out of there in one piece" "yeah because we weren't prepared" Nancy fights with Steve going back and fourth Eddie puts his hand over his face and they start talking about how it's not a fair fight and what if we didn't make it fair. They know 011's strengths and weaknesses Erica questions this.

"When el remote travels she goes into this sort of trance like state I bet the same is true with vecna" dustin states " that would explain. What he's was doing in the attic" Lucas adds in. "Exactly when he attacks his next victim I'll bet you he's back in that attic physical body defenseless" "we can get him then" i say pointing at dustin standing up exited. "Defenseless what about the army of bats" steve says "party pooper" i say sad sitting back down "right true we'll have to find away past them distract them somehow" dustin says "and uh how do we do that exactly" Eddie says next to me starting to stand up "no idea" he sits right back down after dustin said that.

"I have an idea"

Words: 1452

tainted love \\ Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now