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On the other hand Jisung, Changbin and Chan were at their own lesson, music production. They were sitting there in a room together, as they are in a group they have to share their room like everyone else that is there, dying cuz of the pressure -they had to finish writing 6 songs In a week and they haven't even started anything. They had scrunched up paper lying everywhere with instant ramen.

"Uhhh, I'm so bored, can we just stop, I think my heads gonna explode." whined Jisung, the other two looked at him with the same expression.

"Ye but like, we have to finish this off." said Chan, they were all laying on their spinny chairs.

"You know what, let's go outside, and freshen up - maybe then we could get some ideas - and we could stalk people." suggested Changbin, as the other two started laughing.

"Fine, but we have to be back in here in 30 mins, we have a meeting with the teacher, he said he had something important to announce." As they started going to their favourite cafe, they saw a girl crying at the edge of the road.

"Ohh god, what happened to her!" exclaimed Changbin , as they ran to her.

"Heyy, are you ok? What happened?" they all asked as they crowded around her.

"My boyfriends just broke up with me, he was cheating on me with one of his close friends, and he also chose football over me, like whats so amazing about football, all u have to do is kick a ball!" she exclaimed.

"You know what i agree with that," said Jisung as he sat down with her," all my friends in high school played football and there was just me, sitting on a bench looking at them as I listened to music or read a book, it was really annoying."

"Yes like i never got the idea of sports"

"I mean it could be fun, but it's practically useless" they all started saying as the others also sat down by her.

"Thanks a lot, I guess, you guys actually made me laugh even after a break up," the girl stammered as she was laughing at their jokes.

"Hey what if we get something for you to eat, then we could get revenge on your boyfriend."

"Yes I would love that," she replied.

On the other hand were two people still in their university trying to perfect their vocals as hard as they could, it's been a week since they got their songs they would need to practise, and it was time for them too show it to the class, Seungmin and Jeongin where stuck in there since lunch.

"Ok students, i want all of you back here please, i have an important announcement to make!" shouted their teacher, Seungmin and Jeongin looked at each other confused, wondering what the teacher was going to tell them.

"What do you think the announcement is gonna be," asked Seungmin to the younger.

"Probably like last time, we may have to show the songs we practised at a show or something."

"Ye probably" said Seungmin as he walked out to find everyone else getting out of their rooms as well, with confused faces. They all went to the main hall filled with pictures of famous singers and artists. They all went up to their seats and sat down, waiting for their teacher to say something.

"Umm, if i can have your attentions i have something important to say, as you all should know that there is a massive festival coming up that will help you become idols as you all wish to be, the school has decided to mix all the students - which means you guys, the dane students and the production students to make a group, you guys will be informed more about this later on at the evening assembly, so you guys have about an hour to do whatever you like, and we have already chosen your groups so we cannot change them." she announced; everyone was surprised, this was something really new and this was happening for the first time.

"Oh wow, now THAT was pretty unexpected," chuckled Seungmin, while the younger one agreed.

"Wait so we have like an hour to do nothing, why don't we go to our favourite cafe, and hang around a bit ,we have practically finished our songs anyway!"

Exclaimed Jeongin

"Sure, why not," the other replied. They had left their university finding out how sunny it was, they hadn't left their room since lunch - which was like, two hours ago. They were both talking normally as they went off to the cafe to find three familiar faces outside, there was Jisung, Changbin and Chan. They went towards them ,with confused looks as they saw the one girl with them.

"Hey, Jisung!" Shouted Seungmin, getting the others' attention. The pair ran towards the four

"What you guys are doing here, with the girl - no offence." Jeongin quickly said.

"Oh, so we were walking to the cafe when we found this girl. Wait a minute - what's your name?" he asked at the end.

"Oh my name's May, and I don't really know your guys names as well." she said

"Well my name's Bang Chan."

"My name'Changbin."

"My name's Jisung."

"You haven't exactly met us but I'm Seungmin."

"And I'm Jeongin ." After they all introduced themselves and told them what had happened, the two had agreed to help May as well.

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