Chapter 2

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"Save from what?"Emily asked in her head.

The amulet stopped glowing and levitating.



"Your hear that?" Emily asked her mother.
"It's coming from downstairs" Karen replied. "Mum, what's that?" Navin asked half asleep.
"I don't know, Navin" the blonde turned on a touch.
"You three stay here while I go see what it is" Karen stood up and looked over at the three..
"We'll go with you" Emily sat up. Navin also started to get up.
They all walk down the hall and walk slowly and carefully toward where they'll be able to see the front door but still on high ground. "Hel-" "Ah!" Karen got a bit scared while she was going to say 'Hello'  "Oh my- Ray you scared the living daylights out of me!" Karen expressed "Ah, sorry about that" Ray was zoned out but then snapped back into reality realised someone was talking to her. "What are you doing out here, Ray?" Navin asked the older female. Ray looked over at Navin "hm, I had a strange feeling that something was wrong, then I heard a weird noise" Ray explained.
"Anyways, Shine your touch at the door" Ray basically ordered Karen.
Karen shined her touch on the front door, nothing was there. "Maybe it was just the pipes" [silence] "Or maybe a raccoon" the older blonde thought out loud, "Raccoon?" Navin said excitedly with a smile on his face.
Ray started walking towards the stairs. "Where are you going?" Emily asked "I think the noise is coming from the basement" Ray looked back at Emily, Navin and Karen.
"Ok, we'll come with you" Karen told the young blackhead.
They all walk down to the basement.
The female adult opens the basement door carefully.
"I want you three to stay here where it's safe. If it really is an animal, I don't want you to go near it. It may bite." Karen ordered the three young kids. "I want to go with you" Emily took a step closer to her mother "No. you stay here with the other two" "Lock this door if I say so, okay?" Karen continued talking."Mummmm." Emily whined "Do as I say!" The older blonde. "I'll be back quickly. I promise" Karen left the room leaving the three children alone.
"Soooo. Ray, I have a queation for you" Navin stated "What?" Ray looked over at Navin.
"When did you have time to get change into proper day time clothes?" Navin pointed out. "Oh yeah, now that you mention it, you change out of your Pj's" Emily released.
"Before I left to check the strange noise." Ray said unbothered. Ray was wearing a yellow jumper like shirt, it stopped in the middle of her stomach showing the rest of it. The shirt-like-jumper had a light blue hood, she had light grey shorts with a brown belt that's starts at the top left of her hip [?] [Where the shorts start] and goes down near the bottom of the shorts.
She had one long white sock with to two very light orange stripes near the top of the sock, on her left leg and had very long striped the hood blue and dark grey sock. Her left shoe a small green, yellow and white coloured shoe, her right shoe reached right below her knee. With the same colours as the other shoe but different order.
She also had yellow and the light hood blue googles on the top of her head.

The three kids looked at the door the older female left though.
"Ah!" They heard Karen shout after a while.
"Mum, what's going on?!" Emily yelled out her question.
Emily yelled out 'Mum!' Before Karen answered.
"Just stay there Emily!" The older blonde yelled back.
"Get back!" Karen was yelling at someone or something...
"I said get-"

"AHHHHHHH!" A cold, terrified scream was heard by the female adult.
"Mum!?" Emily shouted and ran down the stairs Navin ran after her, Ray just walked.
Once all three kids got to the bottom of the stairs. Emily and Navin took a quick look-round the area, then Emily saw her mum's flashlight and picked it up. "There's no one here" Navin pointed out the obvious.
Emily shined the light at a door.
"I something go though that door" Emily walked towards the door, Navin and Ray followed behind Emily.
They entered a strange room?-area? "Mum?" Emily and Navin called out. They continued walking around until they found a empty doorway.
"Looks like there's only one way down" Emily turned her head to Navin and Ray.
Emily held out her hand towards the 'two' "Take my hand and don't let go" Emily ordered, Navin took hold of her hand.
But Emily started turning her head everywhere realising Ray is nowhere to be seen, then Emily looked at the doorway.
"Ray!" Emily shouted out.
Ray was about to step into the doorway.
"We have to stick together" Navin said.
Ray nodded and started to walk into the doorway, "Come on then" Ray said looking back at the two.
After running thought the strange doorway that was closing behind them quickly, they got out.
Ray and Navin were looking at the wall that just closed itself.
"Em?" Navin looked over to his older sister.
All three saw a big monster.
"Navin, Ray.." "Run!" Emily yelled to the two younger ones.

The monster took Navin and- well you know.
Just know it was unpleasant for Navin.
But for some reason it wasn't interested in Emily and Ray at first.
The monster picked up Emily holding it horrible, slimy tentacles around Emily's shoulders stopping her from using her arms.
But it didn't shoot a single glance at Ray.
Almost as if she were invisible.
The monster just before picking Emily up, the monster threw Ray at the wall, cracking the wall and forcing blood out Ray's mouth. Ray... was breathing heavily for the first time in over 10years.

Ray's vision was getting blurry.
All Ray saw was Emily chasing the monster, trying to get Navin out of the monster than nothing..
Ray had blacked out.

"Blacked out?" "I've blacked out?"

Yes Ray, you did.

"When was last time I blacked out like this?"
"I don't remember"

You never remember Ray.
Face it.. you hopeless when it comes to memory.

"Maybe.. but...."


"At least I know that"

Huh? What are you talking about?

"Your nothing just like me"

Sorry?- I'm much bett-

"But, you too scared to Admit it"

You little brat.
You know nothing about me!

"Of course I do"



"I'm not stupid, I may have the worst memory out there."
"But I can tell the difference between you and Drake"
"Your just like him."
"A stubborn idiot and an alcoholic who died 3years ago"

How dare you!-

"Your just proving my point"


Get Ray out of my sight..

Ray shoot her eyes open to find out Emily and Navin dragged Ray to a hiding spot.
"Thanks" Ray muttered softly only for her ears to hear.

"We need to get going" Emily whispered, Ray and Navin nodded.
The three started to run away, until Emily steps on a twig and it made a loud sharp sound.
The monster heard it and started to run towards them.

They all ran to a cliff, they all thought they their all dead meat.
Emily was talking to her amulet.

Ray still felt light headed.
Next thing she knows she's on the ground while Emily and Navin were coming down
with giant mushrooms.

Deepest apologies for the very long delay!
I got writers block for a while.
Sorry again!

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