Chapter 13

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                             was Ray, she had jumped on a table and into the air towards one of the elf guards and kicked him in the face, Ray landed in her feet. Ray look at Emily when she stood up straight.

"C'mon, I know what you're planning on doing, so just do it" Ray said with her normal blank expression.

The other elf guard yelled angrily and held up his weapon to attack Ray.

The elf guard tries to attack you but Emily uses her amulet to attack first.
"She's a stonekeeper. Stun her!"

Ray goes over to Trellis and Luger and uses the handle of the blade she has on her that no one knew she had.

One of the elf guards try to attack Emily from behind, Ray rushes over and holds the blade to the guards throat.

"Drop your weapon."

The guard was about to protest but was cut off when Ray held the blade even closer to the guards throat. The elf guard drops the large stunner.

The fighting going on with Emily ended up causing a small explosion.

With Karen, Navin and Cogsley.

"Emily! Ray!" Karen yells worriedly.

"Cogsley, do you think Em' and Ray are going to be alright?." Navin asks

"I'm sure they're fine, kid"

In the bar.

"Captain, we're going to need your help. And we don't have much time" Leon says

"Yes, of course. Our ship is at the dock" Enzo says still shocked from the explosion.

"Miskit, get everyone into the transport"

"Everyone? What about them?" Miskit asks,
Leon was about to answer miskit's question-

"Yes, bring them too" Ray interrupted Leon.
Leon nodded in agreement.
"Now hurry and get everyone outside"
Leon says and helps people how might still be stuck in the bar.

Enzo and Miskit run to the transport vehicle.

"What happened in there?" Karen questioned

"Hey, Miskit, where's Em and Ray?"

Navin help Enzo onto the vehicle, while Karen help Miskit.

"If you're referring to the girls, they're doing fine!" Enzo replies to Navin's question.

"Hey, guys, we've got trouble" Cogsley informs.

Everyone turns to face where Cogsley was looking. And there was a giant grey-tinted blue robot armour suit.

"What is that thing?" Karen asked.
"It's a mechanized amour suit. Looks like the elves brought their heavy artillery." Cogsley explained.

The elf in the amour suit seemed to have noticed the group.
"This is E-Mak five, approaching target."
"I have the enemy in my sights!"

"Everybody get in! We have to get moving now!" Cogsley yelled.

Karen helped Emily in, while Navin helped Ray in.
"Emily, are you okay?" Karen asked concerned.
Emily didn't respond probably due to shock.

"Ray, you alright?" Navin asked as he helped Ray in the vehicle. Ray nodded slightly.."yeah, I'm alright" Ray said softly.

Everyone else got in and Navin shouted:
"We've got everyone! Let's go!"

Cogsley immediately got the vehicle speeding off towards the docks.

"Our ship is at dock ten!" Enzo informed.
"No need to shout" Ray muttered tiredly.

Leon noticed this but didn't say anything. Leon also noticed that Ray looks a bit healthier then from when he first meet her.

A few moments later.

"You have to show them your papers at the gate!" Enzo instructed/informed Cogsley.

"Nope. We don't have time"

"Are you crazy!? You'll get us all arrested!"

"Heads down!"
Cogsley drove right into the wooden gate, smashing it. Cogsley drove to dock ten.

"There she is...
The Luna Moth"
Enzo finally said.

"This thing is a piece of junk! And it's the tiniest ship here!" Cogsley complained.

"She might be small, but she's fast" Enzo replied.

"Everyone get aboard quickly!" Leon instructed.

The elf in the amour suit shot the old vehicle they had just left causing a big 'boom'.

"Get us out of here, now!" Cogsley ordered.

Enzo immediately turned on the engine and flew off, the Elf in the amour suit shot missiles at the ship but they went off course due to Trellis using his stone to guide the missiles away.

"Smart idea" Ray suddenly said, 'appearing' right behind him, he immediately turned around surprised.

Trellis stayed silent and ignored Ray.

Soon it was over.
And everyone went inside of the ship.

"Emily, this is getting out of hand!" Karen told her daughter.

"We have to find a way home! If we stay here, we're going to get seriously hurt. Or worse" Karen continued.

"I told you mum, if you go home, I can't come with you"

"But why not!? What's holding you back?"

"It is the curse of the stonekeeper, the stone will not let you leave now, will it?" Luger asked.

"No. it won't"

"A curse?" Karen asked.

"That's enough, not speak with them. They already know too much" Trellis interrupted Luger before he could say anything.

"My daughters saved your life, and this is how you treat them!?" Karen asked, pretty annoyed with how ungrateful Trellis was acting.

"They should have left us alone." Trellis said coldly..

|| Leon's POV ||
I was on my way to find Ray.
I was walking around the ship until I spotted her by the ship's railing, I walked up next to her.



She didn't respond, but when I looked closer she seemed zoned out again.

I snapped my fingers in front of her face to snap her out of her zoned out state.
She instantly snapped back into reality and turned her head towards me.

"Oh, hey Leon.."

"You alright, Ray?"

Ray nodded, a tad slower then normal people would.

"Ray...I've had this question on my mind since we first met, but why, why did you look so unwell when we first meet?." I asked.


No answer.

Meanwhile, back at the bar.

"You. Who are these two people?" Galbilan asked the small humanoid pig waiter.

"Their names are Enzo and Rico. They are the crew of the Luna Moth" the nervous waiter informed.

"Do you know where they might be headed?" Galbilan questioned.

"I heard them say they were looking for Cielis"
The small humanoid pig informed.

"Cielis? I thought it had been destroyed"

"Most people believe it's long gone, but some people like Enzo, believe it's hidden in the clouds"

"Cielis was the city of stonekeepers, right?"

"Yes, sir"

"So the fugitive scum must be after reinforcements. Very interesting."

Galbilan tossed a coin at the small humanoid pig waiter.
"For your troubles".

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