Chapter 14

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|| Navin's POV ||
"You will work together like one big machine"
Enzo started.
"That means we are only as strong as our weakest link. Got that son?" Enzo specifically to Navin.

"Yes, sir!"

"Do you know who you're talking to?- this young man is the commander of the resistance!" Cogsley informed.

"Is that so?-
                      Well, on this ship, you will be the commander of this broom" Enzo said handing Navin a broom.

"Wait- what about Ray?" Miskit asked.

"The Raven girl? She in the kitchen with the others as according to Karen, she's good at cooking" Cogsley answered.

"Really?" Miskit asked.


"Anyways- we're going to begin our day cleaning the the ship. I want each of you to pick a spot of the floor and clean it as if you have to eat it off. Now hop to it, pork chops!" Enzo instructed.

|| Luger's POV ||
Myself, Karen, Rico and Ray? I think that was her name, were in the kitchen cooking, I noticed Ray, her eyes are always so dull, I wonder what happened to the poor girl. But she was really good at cooking.

"Ray, is really good in the kitchen" I state out loud as I prepare some of the other ingredients.

"She really is, she use to make sweets all the time for Emily and Navin, especially when they were sad" Karen. Ray, Emily and Navin's mother said in response.


"Yeah, she's pretty good at it, all of the sweets she made were always very good" Karen said probably thinking over those memories.

|| Leon's POV ||
I was in the of training Emily how to use her amulet for defence. I tried breaking the bottle but it didn't break, I turned to Emily.

"Emily, You did it!"

"That wasn't me, Leon"

"Then who-

"I'm sorry to interrupt." It was Trellis he used his amulet to catch the bottle and protect the bottle.

"But Luger says it's lunchtime" Trellis finished his sentence.

Now everyone was in the dining area.
Everyone was eating and talking.

"Potato salad?" Rico asked offering Cogsley some potato salad.

"I eat oil"

"This is really good. Where did you learn to cook like this?" Navin asked Luger.

"Honestly I can't remember" Luger replied.
"There is very little about my life  I can remember." Luger finished.

Ray suddenly said to Karen.

"Can I be dismissed? I'm done eating"

"You sure? You've barely touched your food" Karen commented concerned for her daughter. And there wasn't much food on her plate to begin with. Perhaps this is why Ray looked so unwell when I first meet her.

Ray nodded.

"Um, okay, if you say so" Karen replied.

"Thank you." Ray stood up to leave.

"Sit down" I ordered. Clearly telling her to eat what's on her plate.

Ray quietly sat back down.

The atmosphere turned awkward real quick.

"So- what I want to know is why you two were considered fugitives. You boys do something we should be worried about?" Enzo broke the silence by asking the two elves questions.

"It's not your business."

"Everything on this ship is my business, son. Now what did you do to get on your daddy's bad side?" Enzo pushed.

"He is not my father, Captain. He isn't what you think" Trellis stands up and starts to walk off.

"Trellis, you didn't finish your food"

Trellis leaves slightly slamming the door behind him.

"Just leave him be. They get like that at this age" Karen tells Luger.


"Done. Can I leave now?" A soft voice speaks up. And it's Ray staring right at me, I look at her plate and she's eaten all of it.

I nod
"Yes, you may leave now"

Ray nods, and got up to leave and she silently walks out and silently shuts the door. I suspect she's gone to talk to Trellis.

|| Trellis's POV ||
I saw wyverns around the ship and there's one behind the cloth, The stonekeeper's mother it hanging up. I try using my amulet to protect her.

"What the— Emily?!" The stonekeeper's mother freaks out.

The stonekeeper....emily, saw this and didn't understand the situation so she attacked me with her amulet.

I flew back but someone stopped me from hitting the floor, their place me on the floor suggesting that they're not very strong physically-

"You alright?" A familiar soft, empty voice asks, I look up to see..Ray? Standing right behind me.

Before I could answer, Emily Rushes towards me, completely angry. It annoyed me how sometime people are so oblivious to the situation at hand and rely on their emotions for the actions they make.

"What were you doing!?" Emily shouts

"I was trying to protect her!"

"Protect her from what?!"

"From that" I pointed behind Emily making her turn to look behind her. And right they was a giant wyvern.

I don't know what I'm doing so a lil timeskip sorry :(

— After Cogsley and Mitkit get taken away by the Wyvern.

"Even if we chased after your friends we would never catch up." Enzo told Emily.

"I'm sorry" Enzo apologised as losing the ones you love hurts a lot.

Annndd done!
We got three more chapters left for book three!

For this whole series(?) my main plot and ideas for Ray start in book 4, I have sooo many ideas for book 4, 5 and 7.

I also got better pictures of Lil Ray and our current Ray. I'll put them in the next A/n, with is the next part.

I hope you have/had a good day,evening or night!

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